purse-string instrument

purse-·string in·stru·ment

an intestinal clamp with jaws at an angle to the handle; when closed across the bowel, large grooved interdigitating serrations allow passage of a straight needle and suture through each side to form a purse-string suture, after which the clamp is removed.

purse-string instrument

(pûrs′strĭng′)n. An intestinal clamp with jaws at an angle to the handle, used in performing a purse-string suture of the bowel.

purse-string in·stru·ment

(pŭrs'string in'strŭ-mĕnt) An intestinal clamp with jaws at an angle to the handle; when it is closed across the bowel, large grooved interdigitating serrations allow passage of a straight needle and suture through each side to form a purse-string suture.