Uniform All-Union Sports Classification
Uniform All-Union Sports Classification
(EVSK), a document outlining the basic requirements of the Soviet system of physical education for producing well-conditioned athletes.
The EVSK defines the principles, norms, order, and conditions for receiving sports honors and ratings in all varieties of sport in the USSR. The first such classification system was developed in 1935, based on existing classifications for individual sports. It has undergone several changes since that time.
Originally it reflected only the level of achievement within any individual sport, but after 1949 it also took into consideration the degree of change from previous standings. At the same time the classification began to be established for four-year periods, corresponding to the olympiad cycle. The present classification system (1969–72) recognizes the titles master of sport of the USSR and international master of sport, as well as the following ratings: candidate master; sportsman of the first, second, or third ratings, and sportsman of the first, second, or third rating of the juvenile division. In addition, there exists the title of grand master of the USSR for chess and checkers, as well as a fourth rating for chess players. (But there is no title of international master for chess.)
Sports titles and ratings, including those for national sports, are awarded only on the basis of performance in official competition. Those earning them are also given appropriate badges.