

 [too-ber´ku-lid] any of a group of conditions involving recurrent eruptions of the skin, usually characterized by spontaneous involution; it includes erythema induratum, lichen scrofulosorum, and papulonecrotic tuberculid, and sometimes also lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei.papulonecrotic tuberculid a grouped symmetric eruption of symptomless papules appearing in successive crops and healing spontaneously with superficially depressed scars, which occur chiefly on the extensor surface of the extremities in infants, children, and young adults.


(tū-ber'kyū-lid), A lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting from hypersensitivity to mycobacterial antigens disseminated from a distant site of active tuberculosis. [tubercul- + G. -id (1)]


A non-infectious skin lesion due to hypersensitivity to Mycobacterium spp Types Papulonecrotic tuberculid, characterized by symmetrical waves of sterile papules with central ulceration and obliterative vasculitis; lichen scrofulosorum–groups of tiny, sarcoid-like red papules


(tū-bĕr'kyū-lid) A lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting from hypersensitivity to mycobacterial antigens disseminated from a distant site of active tuberculosis.


(tū-bĕr'kyū-lid) Lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting from hypersensitivity to mycobacterial antigens disseminated from a distant site of active tuberculosis. [tubercul- + G. -id]