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DictionarySeetubertuber cinereum
tuber cinereum[′tü·bər si′ner·ē·əm] (anatomy) An area of gray matter extending from the optic chiasma to the mammillary bodies and forming part of the floor of the third ventricle. tuber cinereum
tuber [too´ber] 1. a swelling or protuberance; see also tubercle" >tubercle and tuberosity" >tuberosity.2. the essential lesion of sclerosis" >tuberous sclerosis, a pale, firm, nodular glial hamartomatous brain lesion that sometimes becomes calcified; it develops predominantly in the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, medulla, and spinal cord.tuber cine´reum an area of the undersurface of the forebrain to which the stalk of the pituitary gland is attached.tu·ber ci·ne·'re·um [TA] a prominence of the base of the hypothalamus, bordered caudally by the mammillary bodies, rostrally by the optic chiasm, and laterally by the optic tract, extending ventrally into the infundibulum and hypophysial stalk. Synonym(s): ashen tuber, gray tuber, tuber anteriustu·ber ci·ne·re·um (tū'bĕr si-nē'rē-ŭm) [TA] A prominence of the base of the hypothalamus, bordered caudally by the mammillary bodies, rostrally by the optic chiasm, and laterally by the optic tract, extending ventrally into the infundibulum and hypophysial stalk. |