

(skaf'ō-sef'ă-lē), A form of craniosynostosis that results in a long, narrow head in which the parietal eminences are absent and frontal and occiptal protrusions are conspicuous; there may be a crest indicating the site of a prenatally closed sagittal suture; sometimes accompanied by mental retardation. Synonym(s): cymbocephaly, sagittal synostosis, scaphocephalism, tectocephaly [scapho- + G. kephalē, head]


(skaf'ŏ-sef'ă-lē) A form of craniosynostosis that results in a long narrow head.
Synonym(s): cymbocephaly, sagittal synostosis, scaphocephalism, tectocephaly.
[scapho- + G. kephalē, head]


S02-836780, scaphocephalyS02-836820 (skaf?o-sef'a-lizm) (skaf?o-sef'a-le) [ scapho- + cephalo- + -ism] A congenital deformity in which the skull has an elongated, boatlike shape due to premature closing of the sagittal suture. Synonym: tectocephalyscaphocephalicS02-836781scaphocephalousS02-836800 (skaf?o-se-fal'ik) (skaf?o-sef'a-lus), adjective