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DictionarySeemaneuverEncyclopediaSeeManeuverScanzoni maneuver
Scan·zo·ni ma·neu·ver (skan-zō'nē), forceps rotation and traction in a spiral course, with reapplication of forceps for delivery.Scan·zo·ni ma·neu·ver (skahn-tsō'nē mă-nū'vĕr) Forceps rotation and traction in a spiral course, with reapplication of forceps for delivery. Scanzoni maneuverM01-535800 (skăn-zōn′ē) [Friedrich W. Scanzoni, Ger. obstetrician, 1821–1891] Double application of forceps, the first to rotate the fetal occiput from a posterior to an anterior position, and the second to assist fetal descent and birth.Scanzoni, Friedrich W., German obstetrician, 1821-1891. Scanzoni maneuver - forceps rotation and traction in a spiral course, with reapplication of forceps for delivery.Scanzoni second os - a constriction in the uterus resulting from obstructed labor, one of the classic signs of threatened rupture of the uterus. Synonym(s): pathologic retraction ring |