释义 |
space age also Space Agen. The period after 1957, the year in which a spacecraft was first placed in orbit around Earth, marking the beginning of space exploration. space′-age′ adj.Space′ Age` n. (sometimes l.c.) the period marked by space exploration, considered as beginning Oct. 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union launched the first sputnik. space′-age` adj. 1. of or pertaining to the Space Age. 2. using the latest or most advanced technology or design. 3. very modern; up-to-date; forward-looking: space-age architecture. [1955–60] Translationsspace (speis) noun1. a gap; an empty or uncovered place. I couldn't find a space for my car. 空地,空位,間隔 空地,空格,间隔,空白处 2. room; the absence of objects; the area available for use. Have you enough space to turn round?; Is there space for one more? 空間 空间,处所,场地 3. (often outer space) the region outside the Earth's atmosphere, in which all stars and other planets etc are situated. travellers through space. 太空 太空 verb (also space out) to set (things) apart from one another. He spaced the rows of potatoes half a metre apart. 隔開 把...分隔开ˈspacing noun the amount of distance left between objects, words etc when they are set or laid out. 間隔 间隔spacious (ˈspeiʃəs) adjective providing or having plenty of room. Their dining-room is very spacious. 寬敞的 宽敞的ˈspaciously adverb 廣闊地 广阔地ˈspaciousness noun 廣大 广大ˈspace-age adjective extremely up-to-date and advanced. space-age technology. 極先進的,最先進的 非常现代化的,最先进的 ˈspacecraft noun a vehicle etc, manned or unmanned, for travelling in space. 太空船(有人或無人的) 宇宙飞船(有人或无人的) ˈspaceship noun a spacecraft, especially a manned one. 太空船(尤指有人的) 宇宙飞船(尤指有人的) ˈspacesuit noun a suit designed to be worn by a ˈspaceman. 太空服 太空服,宇航服 EncyclopediaSeespaceThesaurusSeespace age |