

R0182800 (rĭ-spŏn′sə-rē)n. pl. re·spon·so·ries A chant or anthem recited or sung after a reading in a church service.
[Middle English responsorie, from Late Latin respōnsōrium, from Latin respōnsus, past participle of respondēre, to respond; see respond.]
re·spon·so′ri·al (-sôr′ē-əl) adj.


(rɪˈspɒnsərɪ) n, pl -ries (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity an anthem or chant consisting of versicles and responses and recited or sung after a lesson in a church service[C15: from Late Latin rēsponsōrium, from Latin rēspondēre to answer]


(rɪˈspɒn sə ri)

n., pl. -ries. an anthem sung after a lection by a soloist and choir alternately. [1375–1425; late Middle English < Late Latin respōnsōrium= Latin respond(ēre) to respond + -tōrium -tory2]