pure tone audiometry


 [aw″de-om´ĕ-tre] measurement of the acuity of hearing through generation of tones of known frequencies and amplitudes. See also audiogram (def. 2). adj., adj audiomet´ric.electrocochleographic audiometry measurement of electrical potentials from the middle ear or external auditory canal (microphonics" >cochlear microphonics and eighth nerve action potentials) in response to acoustic stimuli.pure tone audiometry audiometry utilizing pure tones that are relatively free of noise and overtones.speech audiometry that in which the speech reception threshold in decibels and the ability to understand speech (speech discrimination) are measured.

pure tone audiometry

Audiology A hearing test in which the person is exposed to a series of pure tones over a range of frequencies, the data from which are placed in graphic form–an audiogram. See AC-BC gap, Audiogram.

pure tone audiometry

A test to determine hearing sensitivity and hearing loss in response to different sound frequencies. The test subject is exposed to sounds of specific frequencies within the normal range of human speech (about 250– 8000 Hz). Each tonal frequency is presented to the subject at different increasing intensities or decibels of sound until he or she identifies the frequency. A chart is constructed representing the range of detectable frequencies and the sound intensity (loudness) required to elicit a response from the subject. See also: audiometry