pure red cell aplasia

pure red cell a·pla·si·a

a transitory arrest of red blood cell production that may occur in the course of a hemolytic anemia, often preceded by infection, or as a complication of certain drugs; if the arrest persists, severe anemia may result.
See also: congenital hypoplastic anemia.

pure red cell aplasia

Hematology A type of anemia caused by selective depletion of erythroid cells Pure red cell aplasia types Acute Aplastic crisis A condition often preceded by viral gastroenteritis, pneumonitis, primary atypical pneumonia, mumps, viral hepatitis, pregnancy and drug toxicity Clinical Malaise, pallor and other symptoms of a chronic, compensated hemolyzing process Treatment The only effective modality is discontinuance of inculpated drug, if identified Chronic Either 1.Congenital Diamond-Blackfan disease A condition due to a ↓ in erythrocyte stem cells with ↓ colony-forming units and burst-forming units and a poor response to erythropoietin Treatment Transfusions, corticosteroids or.2. Acquired 30-50% of chronic acquired PRCA is associated with thymoma, as well as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, chronic active hepatitis, hemolytic anemia and CLL

pure red cell aplasia

A severe failure of production of red blood cells by the bone marrow with normal production of other blood cells. The result is a temporary or persistent severe anaemia. The condition may be caused by some virus infections, some drugs, cancers, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.