transitional care

transitional care

Managed care
Healthcare provided to a health maintenance organization (HMO) member by a provider after the provider has terminated a contractural relationship with the HMO.
(1) Step-down care, see there.
(2) Step-up care, see there.
(3) Temporary care provided to an individual who can’t currently be placed in his or her home or permanent setting of his or her choice, and requires a supportive and appropriately staffed living environment, as may occur whilst awaiting major adaptations to his or her own home.
A UK term of art for healthcare for infants that exceeds normal routine care, which includes support and educating the infant's parents as to the baby’s particular needs.

transitional care

Health care services provided to patients after hospitalization in an acute care facility before they are ready to return to their homes. Transitional care shortens acute hospital stays, decreases health care costs, and provides a period for recuperation for patients still unable to thrive independently. Facilities used in transitional care include rehabilitation units, long-term care hospitals, subacute care facilities, hospice services, and some home care services. See also: care