Theriologic Society

Theriologic Society


(full name, All-Union Theriologic Society), a scientific and public organization of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR whose membership consists of Soviet scientists and practical workers in the study, protection, and practical use of mammals. The society was established in 1972. As of the beginning of 1976, it had 700 members in its four divisions.

The goals and tasks of the Theriologic Society are participation in the development of theriologic work and the coordination of such work, provision of advanced training for members of the society and implementation of the members’ research, popularization and dissemination of the latest theoretical and practical achievements in the study of mammals, and participation in the protection and rational use of wild mammals.

At the founding congress of the society, held in 1973, the bylaws were approved and a 45-member central council and a seven-member presidium were elected (the presidium is located in Moscow). The president of the society is V. E. Sokolov. The society publishes a series of annual subject collections entitled Teriologiia (vols. 1–2, 1972–74). (See also )