Piskorskii, Vladimir
Piskorskii, Vladimir Konstantinovich
Born July 29 (Aug. 10), 1867, in Odessa; died Aug. 3 (16), 1910, in Kazan. Russian historian.
Piskorskii, a student of I. V. Luchitskii, graduated in 1890 from the University of Kiev, where he subsequently taught. He also taught at the Nezhin Institute of History and Philology, and in 1906 he became a professor at the University of Kazan. His main interest was medieval Spanish history. Piskorskii was the first historian to investigate the origins and development of serfdom in Catalonia.
Kastil’skie kortesy v perekhodnuiu epokhu ot srednikh vekov k novomu vremeni (1188–1520). Kiev, 1897.Vopros o znachenii i proiskhozhdenii shesti “durnykh obychaev” v Katalonii. Kiev, 1899.
Krepostnoe pravo v Katalonii v srednie veka. Kiev, 1901.
Istoriia Ispanii i Portugalii, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1909.