Pisgah State Park

Pisgah State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Hampshire
Location:Off Routes 10, 119, and 63 in Winchester, Chesterfield, and Hinsdale.
Facilities:Visitor center (limited schedule), trails.
Activities:Boating (with restrictions), fishing, hiking, mountain biking,horseback riding, snowmobiling, ATV riding.
Special Features:Park is New Hampshire's largest state park, with 21 square miles ofrough, forested terrain that encompasses an entire watershed as well asponds, highland ridges, and numerous wetlands.
Address:PO Box 242
Winchester, NH 03470

Web: www.nhstateparks.org/ParksPages/Pisgah/Pisgah.htmll
Size: 13,361 acres.

See other parks in New Hampshire.