

(skŏl′əp, skăl′-) also scol·lop (skŏl′-)n.1. a. Any of various marine bivalve mollusks of the family Pectinidae, having fan-shaped shells with a radiating fluted pattern.b. The edible adductor muscle of a scallop.c. A shell of a scallop, or a dish in a similar shape, used for baking and serving seafood.2. One of a series of curved projections forming an ornamental border.3. See escalope.v. scal·loped, scal·lop·ing, scal·lops also scol·loped or scol·lop·ing or scol·lops To edge (cloth, for example) with a series of curved projections.2. To bake in a casserole with milk or a sauce and often with bread crumbs: scalloped potatoes.3. To cut (meat) into thin boneless slices.v.intr. To gather scallops for eating or sale.
[Middle English scalop, from Old French escalope, shell, perhaps of Germanic origin (akin to Dutch schelp, seashell), or from Old French escale, scale; see scale1 + Old French (envel)ope, enveloping cover (from enveloper, to envelop; see envelop).]
scal′lop·er n.


(ˈskɒl ə pər, ˈskæl-)

n. one that dredges for scallops.