Pirates Week

Pirates Week

Last week in OctoberPirates Week is a Cayman Islands festival celebrating the history of Grand Cayman, at one time a favorite haunt for pirates and buccaneers. The entire island is transformed into a pirate encampment for the week-long festival. There is a mock invasion of George Town, parades, pageants, and the trial of the pirates. Everyone dresses up in costumes, and the singing, dancing, and food fairs that are held throughout the island all revolve around a pirate theme.
The Cayman Islands—from the Spanish caimán, meaning "alligator"—were apparently unoccupied when first sighted by Columbus in 1503. Although frequented by Spanish, English, and French ships, they were not claimed by anyone until they were ceded to the British in 1670 and settlers started arriving. Before long, the islands' remote location made them an ideal stopover for pirates.
Pirates Week Administration
10 Shedden Rd.
P.O. Box 51
Grand Cayman, KY1-1101 Cayman Islands
345-949-5859; fax: 345-949-5449
GdWrldFest-1985, p. 61