

单词 puppp



Acronym for pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy, an intensely pruritic, occasionally vesicular, eruption appearing in the third trimester of pregnancy, without effect on the fetus; spontaneous involution occurs within 10 days of term, and recurrence is rare in subsequent pregnancies. Negative lesional immunofluorescence microscopy helps to exclude herpes gestationis.

toxic erythema of pregnancy

A dermopathy that affects about 1:200 pregnancies, which presents as an intensely pruritic wave of papules and urticarial plaques, with scattered vesicles, over the lateral abdominal wall during the last few weeks of pregnancy, often extending to the trunk and limbs whilst sparing the umbilical region. The lesion resolves with delivery or shortly thereafter.


Obstetrics Pruritic urticarial plaques and papules of pregnancy An erythematous papule and plaque-forming eruption seen late in the 3rd trimester in up to 75% of primigravidas, which does not recur in subsequent pregnancies Treatment Topical steroids. See Pruritus gravidarum.

pru·rit·ic ur·ti·car·i·al pap·ules and plaques of preg·nan·cy

(PUPPP) (prūr-it'ik ŭr'ti-kar'ē-ăl pap'yūlz plaks preg'năn-sē) Intensely pruritic papulovesicles that begin on the abdomen in the third trimester and spread peripherally, resolve rapidly after delivery, and do not affect the fetus.


PUPPPPruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy




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