

单词 siac



See: Security Industry Automated Corporation

Securities Industry Automation Corporation

Also called SIAC. On the New York Stock Exchange, AMEX, and affiliated exchanges, an organization that provides computer services. Consequently, SIAC runs DOT, which is a computerized order-entry system that sends smaller buy or sell orders to the appropriate specialist on the floor of a stock exchange, bypassing the floor broker. It also provides the Consolidated Quotation System and the Options Price Reporting Authority. The NYSE owns two-thirds of the SIAC, while AMEX owns the remainder.


See Securities Industry Automation Corporation.


SIACSouthern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
SIACSpecial Immigration Appeals Commission (UK)
SIACSingapore International Arbitration Centre (Singapore)
SIACSociedad Interamericana de Cardiología (Spanish: Interamerican Society of Cardiology)
SIACSecurity Industry Alarm Coalition
SIACSchool Improvement Advisory Committee
SIACSocietà Italiana Assicurazione Crediti (Italian insurance company)
SIACSenate Indian Affairs Committee (US Congress)
SIACSpecialized Information Analysis Center
SIACSecurities Industries Automation Corporation
SIACSurrey Integrated Arts Consortium (UK)
SIACSociété Internationale des Artistes Chrétiens (International Secretariat of Christian Artists)
SIACSelf-Injection Anxiety Counseling
SIACSenate Committee on Indian Affairs
SIACStaten Island Athletic Club (New York)
SIACSystème Informatisé d'Aide à la Conduite (French: information system for train engineer in TGV-Trains)
SIACSystèmes d'Information et d'Aide aux Concours (French: Information Systems and Support for Competition)
SIACStrike Intelligence Analysis Center
SIACSensor Integration and Control
SIACSubmarine Integrated Attack Center
SIACSite Improvement Advisory Council
SIACShape International Angling Club
SIACSystem Integration And Control




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