Soviet Wool Goat
Soviet Wool Goat
a breed of goats raised for wool. The breed was developed in Kazakhstan and the republics of Middle Asia between 1947 and 1962 by crossing local coarse-wooled goats with Angora goats.
Males weigh 55–65 kg, and females 38–40 kg. The wool is similar to angora: the white mohair is lustrous and uniform. It is of the 46th-56th quality. One-year-old goats yield wood that is 18–20 cm in length. A clipping from males yields 3–4 kg, and from females 1.5–2 kg. The yield of washed wool is 75–80 percent. One hundred females usually produce between 105 and 110 offspring.
The breed is adapted to living year-round in valley and high-mountain pastures. It is used to improve the wool productivity of local coarse-wooled goats. Soviet wool goats are raised in Kazakhstan, the Northern Caucasus, and the republics of Middle Asia.