pupillary block

pupillary block

increased resistance to flow of aqueous humor through the pupil from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber, leading to anterior bowing of the peripheral iris over the trabecular meshwork and to angle-closure glaucoma.

pu·pil·lar·y block

(pyū'pi-lār-ē blok) Increased resistance to flow of aqueous humor through the pupil from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber, leading to anterior bowing of the peripheral iris over the trabecular meshwork and to angle-closure glaucoma

pupillary block 

A blockage of the normal flow of aqueous humour from the posterior to the anterior chamber of the eye. It may be caused by a posterior annular synechia occurring during anterior uveitis, by luxation of the lens anteriorly occluding the pupil, or by adhesion of the iris to the vitreous or to the posterior capsule following extracapsular cataract extraction (called aphakic pupillary block). It may produce an attack of acute angle-closure glaucoma as the iris may be pushed forward blocking the drainage angle. Syn. pupil block. See iris bombé; seclusio pupillae.