tubal tonsil

tu·bal ton·sil

[TA] a collection of lymphoid nodules near the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube. Synonym(s): tonsilla tubaria [TA], eustachian tonsil, Gerlach tonsil

tubal tonsil

Lymphoid tissue located in the mucous membrane of the tube connecting the middle ear to the nasopharynx.See also: tonsil


Bartolommeo E., Italian anatomist, 1524-1574. eustachian catheter - a catheter used for catheterization of the middle ear through the eustachian tube.eustachian cushion - a ridge in the nasopharyngeal wall posterior to the opening of the eustachian tube. Synonym(s): torus tubariuseustachian tonsil - a collection of lymphoid nodules near the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube. Synonym(s): tubal tonsileustachian tube - a tube leading from the tympanic cavity to the nasopharynx. Synonym(s): auditory tube; tuba eustachiana; tuba eustachiieustachian tuber - a slight projection from the labyrinthine wall of the middle ear below the fenestra vestibuli (ovalis).eustachian valve - an endocardial fold extending from the anterior inferior margin of the inferior vena cava to the anterior part of the limbus fossa ovalis. Synonym(s): valve of inferior vena cavatuba eustachiana - Synonym(s): eustachian tubetuba eustachii - Synonym(s): eustachian tube


Joseph, German anatomist, 1820-1896. Gerlach anular tendon - the thickened portion of the circumference of the tympanic membrane that is fixed in the tympanic sulcus. Synonym(s): fibrocartilaginous ring of tympanic membraneGerlach tonsil - a collection of lymphoid nodules near the pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube. Synonym(s): tubal tonsilGerlach valve - a fold of mucous membrane, simulating a valve, sometimes found at the origin of the vermiform appendix. Synonym(s): valve of vermiform appendix; valvula processus vermiformisGerlach valvula - the network of fibers at the iridocorneal angle between the anterior chamber of the eye and the venous sinus of the sclera. Synonym(s): trabecular reticulum