

(Quintus Mucius Scaevola), d. 82 B.C., Roman jurist. He was tribune of the people (106 B.C.) and consul (95 B.C.) with Lucius Licinius Crassus (see under CrassusCrassus
, ancient Roman family, of the plebeian Licinian gens. It produced men who achieved great note in the 2d cent. and 1st cent. B.C.

One of the well-known members was Lucius Licinius Crassus, d. 91 B.C., a noted orator and lawyer (much admired by Cicero).
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, family); together they collaborated on a law that caused a purge of the rolls of citizenship. The wholesale disfranchisement of allies under this law brought on the Social War. He was proconsular governor of Asia, where the people esteemed him highly. Later he was elected pontifex maximus, but his sacred inviolability did not prevent his murder in the proscription of MariusMarius, Caius
, c.157 B.C.–86 B.C., Roman general. A plebeian, he became tribune (119 B.C.) and praetor (115 B.C.) and was seven times consul. He served under Scipio Africanus Minor at Numantia and under Quintus Metellus against Jugurtha.
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. He made a systematic compilation of the civil law.