Acronym | Definition |
SWF➣Shockwave Flash (Flash animation technology) |
SWF➣Sovereign Wealth Fund |
SWF➣Southwest Florida (various organizations) |
SWF➣Spring Web Flow (software) |
SWF➣Sydney Writers' Festival (Australia) |
SWF➣Südwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR) |
SWF➣Shockwave Flash File |
SWF➣ (.NET namespace) |
SWF➣Salt Water Flush (alternative medicine) |
SWF➣Standard Written Form (languages) |
SWF➣Secure World Foundation (space security) |
SWF➣Single White Female |
SWF➣Storm Water Flow (hydrology) |
SWF➣Scientific Workflows (workshop) |
SWF➣Shock Wave File |
SWF➣Spiny Water Flea (species) |
SWF➣Small Web File (Macromedia Flash movie extension) |
SWF➣Star Wars Forum (gaming) |
SWF➣Shallow Water Flow |
SWF➣Short-wave Fade (out) |
SWF➣Secret Weapons Facility (Castle Wolfenstien) |
SWF➣Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY, USA - Stewart (Airport Code) |
SWF➣Start Work Finish |
SWF➣Swiss Wrestling Federation |
SWF➣Strategic Weapons Facility |
SWF➣Steelworker Fabricator (US Navy) |
SWF➣Slow-Wave Factor |
SWF➣Splash Water Falls (amusement park ride) |
SWF➣Spotted Weakfish (FAO fish species code) |
SWF➣Singapore Weightlifting Federation |
SWF➣Salaries, Wages and Fringe |
SWF➣Straight White Female |
SWF➣Staff Working File |
SWF➣Salary with Fringe (government accounting) |
SWF➣System Weight Factor (Delphi Criteria under the DESP II Contract vehicle) |
SWF➣Surface Wave Field |
SWF➣Statistical Waterfilling Algorithm |
SWF➣Semantic Weighting Factor (algorithm) |