Soviet-Congolese Agreements

Soviet-Congolese Agreements


Diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and the People’s Republic of the Congo on Mar. 16,1964. Agreements were concluded on cultural and scientific cooperation (Mar. 19, 1964), trade (May 26, 1964), and air transportation (Sept. 28, 1964). An agreement on economic and technical cooperation (Dec. 14,1964) provided for the construction of several projects in the People’s Republic of the Congo and for the conducting of geological prospecting work. The two countries also signed: a protocol by which the USSR gave the Congo printing, motion-picture, and radio equipment (Jan. 6, 1966); an agreement on the construction of a maternity hospital in Brazzaville as a gift (Mar. 21, 1966), which provided for the dispatch of Soviet physicians and intermediate-level medical personnel to the Congo; and a protocol on the equivalency of diplomas and academic degrees (Aug. 5,1970).

The USSR and the Congo also concluded an agreement on the organization of a veterinary laboratory (June 12,1970) and a protocol on the delivery of motor vehicles and equipment to the Congo (Feb. 15, 1972). Other agreements include a protocol to the agreement on economic and technical cooperation of 1964 (Jan. 29, 1973), which provided for cooperation in prospecting for complex ores and for the extending of credit, and an agreement on cooperation in geological prospecting work, the mining industry, and public health and in providing higher technical education to Congolese nationals (Mar. 27,1975).