Soviet-Burmese Agreements
Soviet-Burmese Agreements
Diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and Burma on Feb. 18,1948. The two countries subsequently signed a trade agreement (July 1, 1955) and a joint declaration (Dec. 6, 1955) of their determination to expand their ties in all possible ways. An economic agreement of Jan. 17,1957, provided that the USSR would build, as a gift to the people of Burma, a technological institute, a hospital, a theater, and a cultural and sports complex, send technical specialists and teachers to Burma, and provide training for Burmese nationals in the USSR. Burma presented rice and other goods as a gift to the Soviet people. In July 1961 an act transferring Soviet-built facilities to Burma was signed. The USSR and Burma have also concluded an air-transportation agreement (Dec. 7, 1970), a protocol for the delivery of machinery and equipment to Burma and rice to the USSR (Aug. 30,1971), and a trade agreement (June 16,1972).