Soviet-Australian Agreements

Soviet-Australian Agreements


Diplomatic relations were established between the USSR and Australia on Oct. 10, 1942. On Apr. 23,1954, the USSR recalled its embassy personnel in view of actions by the Australian authorities that made normal work impossible. On Mar. 16,1959, an agreement was reached to reestablish diplomatic representation in both countries.

Agreements were concluded on trade (Oct. 15, 1965), the expansion of trade and economic relations (Mar. 16, 1973), scientific and technical cooperation (Jan. 15, 1975), and cultural exchange (Jan. 15, 1975). In a joint communiqué of Jan. 15, 1975, both countries expressed satisfaction at the favorable development of relations and affirmed their intention to expand mutually beneficial cooperation. They also stated that their positions coincided or were quite close on a number of important international questions.