Sovetskii Kompozitor
Sovetskii Kompozitor
(Soviet Composer), the publishing house of the Composers’ Union of the USSR. It is located in Moscow and has branches in Leningrad and Kiev. Sovetskii Kompozitor Publishing House was founded in 1956. In 1964 it was merged with the Muzgiz Publishing House to form the Mu-zyka Publishing House, but in July 1967 it was again set up as an independent enterprise.
Sovetskii Kompozitor primarily publishes works by Soviet composers and musicologists. It prints piano and orchestra scores of operas, ballets, operettas, symphonies, and chamber works. Other publications include lesson books for different instruments, works on aesthetics and folk music, and music dictionaries. The most important musicology publications include the five-volume History of the Music of the Peoples of the USSR. Sovetskii Kompozitor also publishes the magazines Muzykal’naia zhizn’ (Musical Life) and Sovetskaia muzyka (Soviet Music). In 1974 the total output was 72 million printer’s sheets.