Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf

(1)Vint Cerf

Vint Cerf

(person)(Vinton G. Cerf) The co-inventor with Bob Kahn ofthe Internet and its base protocol, TCP/IP. Like Jon Postel, he was crucial in the development of manyhigher-level protocols, and has written several dozen RFCssince the late 1960s.

Vinton Cerf is senior vice president of Internet Architectureand Technology for MCI WorldCom. His team of architects andengineers design advanced Internet frameworks for delivering acombination of data, information, voice and video services forbusiness and consumer use.

In December 1997, President Clinton presented the U.S.National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his partner, RobertE. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet.

Prior to rejoining MCI in 1994, Cerf was vice president of theCorporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI). As vicepresident of MCI Digital Information Services from 1982-1986,he led the engineering of MCI Mail, the first commerciale-mail service to be connected to the Internet.

During his tenure from 1976-1982 with the U.S. Department ofDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Cerfplayed a key role leading the development of Internet andInternet-related data packet and security technologies.

Cerf served as founding president of the Internet Societyfrom 1992-1995 and is currently chairman of the Board. Cerfis a member of the U.S. Presidential Information TechnologyAdvisory Committee (PITAC) and the Advisory Committee forTelecommunications (ACT) in Ireland.

Cerf is a recipient of numerous awards and commendations inconnection with his work on the Internet. In December 1994,People magazine identified Cerf as one of that year's "25 MostIntriguing People."

In addition to his work on behalf of MCI and the Internet,Cerf serves as technical advisor to production for "GeneRoddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict," the number onetelevision show in first-run syndication. He also made aspecial guest appearance in May 1998. Cerf also holds anappointment as distinguished visiting scientist at the JetPropulsion Laboratory where he is working on the design of aninterplanetary Internet.

Cerf holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics fromStanford University and Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees inComputer Science from UCLA. He also holds honorary Doctoratedegrees from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zurich; Lulea University of Technology, Sweden; University ofthe Balearic Islands, Palma; Capitol College and GettysburgCollege.