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Resolution Trust Corporation
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), in U.S. history, government-owned company formed in 1989 to liquidate the assets of insolvent savings and loan associationssavings and loan association (S&L), type of financial institution that was originally created to accept savings from private investors and to provide home mortgage services for the public.
The first U.S. S&L was founded in 1831. ..... Click the link for more information. (S&Ls). Essentially a huge property-management company operated as an agent of the federal government, the RTC had as its primary mission the disposal (at maximum value) of office buildings, homes, loans, and other assets that were held by bankrupt thrifts in order to reduce taxpayer costs associated with the S&L bailout. Hundreds of S&Ls, which had taken advantage of lax regulations and invested in high-risk real estate and other imprudent assets, failed in the 1980s, and after the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation itself became insolvent and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation assumed its responsibilites, the RTC was created. By the time the RTC was dissolved in 1995, it had closed or reorganized 747 institutions and managed to sell off some $400 billion in assets. The eventual cost to the taxpayers was approximately $130 billion, well below original estimates.LegalSeetrust corporationResolution Trust Corporation
Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)A government agency established in 1989 and disbanded in 1996 that administered federal savings and loan institutions that were insolvent between 1989 and August 1992 by either bailing them out or merging them.Resolution Trust CorporationAn agency of the United States government that was charged with closing thrifts declared to be insolvent. It also issued bailout bonds and paid for the reorganization and the financing of thrifts that were bankrupt but could still function. It was established by the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 and was closed in 1996.Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)A corporation that no longer exists,but had a major impact on U.S. real estate markets. The RTC was formed in the wake of the banking and thrift crisis and bailouts of the mid to late 1980s.As lending institutions were declared insolvent and closed by their various regulatory agencies,the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC,pronounced “fizz-lick”) arranged for payments to depositors and then took over the assets of the failed institutions.The assets could include performing and nonperforming loans, real estate, vehicles, equipment, furniture, and often rare and expensive artwork and accessories.The task of managing and liquidating the assets proved too much, so the government created the RTC to take over those functions.The mandate of the RTC was to liquidate assets, including real estate,as quickly as possible,even if a higher price might be obtained by holding the assets and managing sales over a longer period of time.Billions of dollars of real estate came into the hands of the RTC.The real estate was then sold,often for pennies on the dollar,and as a result many real estate markets were seriously depressed and took years to recover. AcronymsSeeRTC |