Pioneer Historic Byway
Pioneer Historic Byway
PO Box 669
Lava Hot Springs, ID 83246
Web: Description:Many of the historical and cultural milestones along theroute can be traced to the mid1800s, when Mormon pioneers began settling the area. Areas of interestinclude: Franklin, Idaho's oldest city; the Bear River MassacreNational Historic Site, where 250 NativeAmericans were killed by an American army unit; Sheep Rock, the first split of the Oregon-California Trail; HooperSprings Park in Soda Springs; GraysLake National Wildlife Refuge and Caribou Mountain; Tincup Canyon in Caribou National Forest; and 500,000-year-old Niter Ice Cave.
Legth: 127 miles. Start/Endpoint: Follows ID 34 from the Wyoming state line south to Soda Springs, where it crosses the Oregon Trail-Bear Lake Scenic Byway (US 30). From there it continues south on ID 34, then follows US 91 to the Utah state line. Time to Allow: 2.5 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2005).
See other parks in Idaho.