shut up shop

shut up shop

To cease business operations for any length of time (often permanently). I loved that restaurant, so I'm very disappointed that it shut up shop. The owner always shuts up shop for two weeks in the summer to accommodate her vacation.See also: shop, shut, up

shut up shop


close up shop

mainly AMERICANIf a person or organization shuts up shop or closes up shop, they close their business, often because they are not making enough money. Unless business picks up soon, some of the 245 foreign-owned banks in Switzerland may have to shut up shop. Mr. Lemoyne had reluctantly closed up shop when the library had reached a rock-bottom membership of eleven.See also: shop, shut, up

shut up shop

1 cease trading, either temporarily or permanently. 2 stop some activity. informalSee also: shop, shut, up

shut up ˈshop

(British English, informal) close a business permanently or stop working for the day: The family ran a small grocer’s for years, but when the old man died they shut up shop.It’s 6 o’clock — time to shut up shop and go home.See also: shop, shut, up