Pintos Pereyra, Francisco Ricardo
Pintos Pereyra, Francisco Ricardo
Born Apr 3, 1880; died 1968. Uruguayan labor leader, historian, and publicist.
While a woodworker at the turn of the century, Pintos Pereyra took part in the labor movement. He was the editor of the newspaper El Socialista, founded the workers’ newspaper Justicia, edited the newspaper Vanguardia, and contributed to the newspaper El Popular. He was one of the founders in 1920 of the Communist Party of Uruguay (CPU) and a participant in the Fourth Congress of the Comintern in 1922. From 1962 to 1968 he was a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPU. Pintos Pereyra was twice elected a member of the General Assembly.
Historia del Uruguay: 1851-1938. Montevideo, 1946.Bloques para la Agresión. Montevideo, 1958.
Uruguay de la Liberación al Afianzamiento de la Burguesia. Montevideo, 1966.
In Russian translation:
Batl’e i protsess istoricheskogo razvitiia Urugvaia. Moscow, 1962.
Profsoiuznoe dvizhenie v Urugvae. Moscow, 1964.
Khose Artigas. Moscow, 1964.