

单词 sbp



Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, see there.


SBPSurvivor Benefit Plan (US DoD)
SBPState Bank of Pakistan
SBPSystolic Blood Pressure
SBPStowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich (Polish: Polish Librarians Association)
SBPSchool Breakfast Program
SBPSt. Bernard Project (Chalmette, LA)
SBPSummation-by-Parts (mathematics)
SBPSpontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
SBPSubstrate Binding Pocket (amino acids)
SBPSunday Business Post (Ireland)
SBPSerial Bus Protocol
SBPSound Blaster Professional
SBPSoftware Boot Protection
SBPSunset Beach Party (Finnish music festival)
SBPSmall Bowel Perforation
SBPState Bank of Patiala (India)
SBPSchool Breakfast Participation (various locations)
SBPSerial Bus Protocol (IEEE-1394 serial bus)
SBPSmall Business Program
SBPSkill-Based Pay (compensation system)
SBPStandard Back-Propagation (algorithm)
SBPStandards-Based Program (various organizations)
SBPSociety of Business Practitioners (UK)
SBPStolen Base Percentage (baseball statistic)
SBPStrategic Business Plan
SBPSociedade Brasileira de Patologia (Brazilian Society of Pathology)
SBPSchool Building Program (Philippines)
SBPSliding Block Puzzle (game)
SBPScience-Based Practice (pathology)
SBPsupine blood pressure
SBPStructural Biology Program
SBPSwedish Brain Power (est. 2005)
SBPSupplemental Benefit Plan (insurance)
SBPSoil Borne Pathogen
SBPStudent Business Plan (various schools)
SBPShoebox Project (Harry Potter fanfiction)
SBPSociete Bancaire Privee (Swiss asset management)
SBPSpecial Boiling Point (solvents)
SBPService Benefit Plan
SBPSearch Best Practices (FAST Search)
SBPSustainable Banking with the Poor
SBPSan Luis Obispo, CA, USA - San Luis Obispo County Airport (Airport Code)
SBPShape Based Pricing (shipping)
SBPSmall Business Profiles (Canada)
SBPSociedade Brasileira de Parasitologia
SBPSonic Boom Panel (International Civil Aviation Organization)
SBPSleeping Bear Press (children's book publisher)
SBPSensor Based Planning Lab (Carnegie Mellon University)
SBPScotia Bank Place (Ottawa Senators home arena)
SBPScreen Block and Pay (finance)
SBPSymmetry-Breaking Predicate
SBPSociety of Biological Psychiatry
SBPSoftware Best Practices
SBPSocial Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction (Workshop)
SBPStatic Branch Prediction
SBPSanta Barbara Project (California)
SBPSchoolboy Pin (wrestling)
SBPSite Builder Program (websites)
SBPSerotonin-Binding Protein
SBPSociété Belge de Psychanalyse (French: Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis)
SBPSociété Belge de Pédiatrie (French: Belgian Society of Pediatrics)
SBPSociété Belge de Physique (French: Belgian Society of Physics)
SBPStandard Business Practice
SBPSerial Block Protocol (IEEE 1394)
SBPShort Bus Posse (gaming website)
SBPSurety Bond Program
SBPSluzhba Bezopasnosti Prezidenta (Russian: President's Security Service; since 1993; one of KGB successors)
SBPShowBiz Pizza (pizza and game place)
SBPSteel Beasts Pro, Personal Edition (gaming)
SBPSimple Block-Based Prediction
SBPSmall Business Pipeline (web newsletter)
SBPSussex Business Partnership (UK)
SBPStride-Based Predictor
SBPSubmarine Broadcast Processor
SBPSustaining Base Pool
SBPSpecial Business Provision (Boeing contract)
SBPSummmary Plot Board (US Navy)
SBPSingle-Base Propellant
SBPstatic bollard pull (nautical)




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