Acronym | Definition |
SBP➣Survivor Benefit Plan (US DoD) |
SBP➣State Bank of Pakistan |
SBP➣Systolic Blood Pressure |
SBP➣Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich (Polish: Polish Librarians Association) |
SBP➣School Breakfast Program |
SBP➣St. Bernard Project (Chalmette, LA) |
SBP➣Summation-by-Parts (mathematics) |
SBP➣Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis |
SBP➣Substrate Binding Pocket (amino acids) |
SBP➣Sunday Business Post (Ireland) |
SBP➣Serial Bus Protocol |
SBP➣Sound Blaster Professional |
SBP➣Software Boot Protection |
SBP➣Sunset Beach Party (Finnish music festival) |
SBP➣Small Bowel Perforation |
SBP➣State Bank of Patiala (India) |
SBP➣School Breakfast Participation (various locations) |
SBP➣Serial Bus Protocol (IEEE-1394 serial bus) |
SBP➣Small Business Program |
SBP➣Skill-Based Pay (compensation system) |
SBP➣Standard Back-Propagation (algorithm) |
SBP➣Standards-Based Program (various organizations) |
SBP➣Society of Business Practitioners (UK) |
SBP➣Stolen Base Percentage (baseball statistic) |
SBP➣Strategic Business Plan |
SBP➣Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia (Brazilian Society of Pathology) |
SBP➣School Building Program (Philippines) |
SBP➣Sliding Block Puzzle (game) |
SBP➣Science-Based Practice (pathology) |
SBP➣supine blood pressure |
SBP➣Structural Biology Program |
SBP➣Swedish Brain Power (est. 2005) |
SBP➣Supplemental Benefit Plan (insurance) |
SBP➣Soil Borne Pathogen |
SBP➣Student Business Plan (various schools) |
SBP➣Shoebox Project (Harry Potter fanfiction) |
SBP➣Societe Bancaire Privee (Swiss asset management) |
SBP➣Special Boiling Point (solvents) |
SBP➣Service Benefit Plan |
SBP➣Search Best Practices (FAST Search) |
SBP➣Sustainable Banking with the Poor |
SBP➣San Luis Obispo, CA, USA - San Luis Obispo County Airport (Airport Code) |
SBP➣Shape Based Pricing (shipping) |
SBP➣Small Business Profiles (Canada) |
SBP➣Sociedade Brasileira de Parasitologia |
SBP➣Sonic Boom Panel (International Civil Aviation Organization) |
SBP➣Sleeping Bear Press (children's book publisher) |
SBP➣Sensor Based Planning Lab (Carnegie Mellon University) |
SBP➣Scotia Bank Place (Ottawa Senators home arena) |
SBP➣Screen Block and Pay (finance) |
SBP➣Symmetry-Breaking Predicate |
SBP➣Society of Biological Psychiatry |
SBP➣Software Best Practices |
SBP➣Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction (Workshop) |
SBP➣Static Branch Prediction |
SBP➣Santa Barbara Project (California) |
SBP➣Schoolboy Pin (wrestling) |
SBP➣Site Builder Program (websites) |
SBP➣Serotonin-Binding Protein |
SBP➣Société Belge de Psychanalyse (French: Belgian Society of Psychoanalysis) |
SBP➣Société Belge de Pédiatrie (French: Belgian Society of Pediatrics) |
SBP➣Société Belge de Physique (French: Belgian Society of Physics) |
SBP➣Standard Business Practice |
SBP➣Serial Block Protocol (IEEE 1394) |
SBP➣Short Bus Posse (gaming website) |
SBP➣Surety Bond Program |
SBP➣Sluzhba Bezopasnosti Prezidenta (Russian: President's Security Service; since 1993; one of KGB successors) |
SBP➣ShowBiz Pizza (pizza and game place) |
SBP➣Steel Beasts Pro, Personal Edition (gaming) |
SBP➣Simple Block-Based Prediction |
SBP➣Small Business Pipeline (web newsletter) |
SBP➣Sussex Business Partnership (UK) |
SBP➣Stride-Based Predictor |
SBP➣Submarine Broadcast Processor |
SBP➣Sustaining Base Pool |
SBP➣Special Business Provision (Boeing contract) |
SBP➣Summmary Plot Board (US Navy) |
SBP➣Single-Base Propellant |
SBP➣static bollard pull (nautical) |