Resin-Impregnated Fabric Laminates

Resin-Impregnated Fabric Laminates


(Russian tekstolity), materials consisting of several layers of fabric (the filler) impregnated with a synthetic resin (the binder). Resin-impregnated fabric laminates include glass-fabric laminates, which use glass fabrics, laminates that use asbestos fabrics, and laminates that use cotton fabrics, such as coarse or regular calico, belting, or chiffon, or textiles made from artificial and synthetic organic fibers, for example, viscose, polyamide, and polyester fibers. Nonwoven materials may also be used as fillers.

In comparison with other types, fabric laminates that use cotton fabrics or textiles made from artificial or synthetic organic fibers are significantly lighter (densities of 1.3–1.4 g/cm3), have lower heat conductivity, and are more easily machine-processed and glued. However, they are less strong (tensile strengths of 50–100 meganewtons per m2 [500–1,000 kg/cm2]) and less resistant to heat and chemical action. The principal binders used are the phenol-formaldehyde, cresol- and xylene-aldehyde, and urea- and melamine-formaldehyde resins, polyamides, polyolefins, and acetyl and ethyl cellulose.

Resin-impregnated fabric laminates are produced in the form of sheets, plates, and slabs. They are primarily used in the manufacture of machined articles, such as sliding bearings, electrical switching panels, and, less often, gears and bushings. Items made from impregnated fillers may also be pressed in a mold, wrapped (pipes, cylinders, and shaped objects), or built up in layers with subsequent contact molding (boats, containers, and prosthetic devices, such as artificial arms and legs).