Pumpkin Hill Creek Preserve State Park
Pumpkin Hill Creek Preserve State Park
Location:Exit Heckscher Drive north from I-95 or 9A, then north onNew Berlin and east on Cedar Point Road for about 10 miles, then northagain on Pumpkin Hill Road.
Facilities:Hand launch area for canoes and kayaks, multi-use trails.
Activities:Canoeing/kayaking, fishing, hiking, bicycling, horseback riding, wildlife viewing.
Special Features:Located east of the city of Jacksonville and west of thebeaches, Park preserves one of the largest contiguous areas of coastaluplands remaining in Duval County. The uplands protect the waterquality of Nassau and Saint Johns rivers, providing an important refugefor birds. Both wildlife and wildflowers are abundant at the park.
Address:13802 Pumpkin Hill Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32226
Web: www.floridastateparks.org/pumpkinhill
Size: 3,895.5 acres.
See other parks in Florida.