pink puffer

A descriptive term for a patient with COPD and severe emphysema, who has a pink complexion and dyspnea; PPs have increased residual lung capacity and volume, decreased elastic recoil, decreased expiratory flow rate and diffusing capacity and a ventilatory/perfusion—V/Q mismatch secondary to emphysema-related destruction of blood vessels
ABGs Usually near normal due to compensatory hyperventilation; arterial pO2 is in the mid-70s, pCO2 is low to normal. Pink puffers have increased tidal volume and retraction of accessory respiratory muscles

pink puffer

A descriptor for a Pt with COPD and severe emphysema, who have a pink complexion and dyspnea; PPs have ↑ residual lung capacity and volume, ↓ elastic recoil, ↓ expiratory flow rate and diffusing capacity and a ventilatory/perfusion–V/Q mismatch 2º to emphysema-related destruction of blood vessels Clinical SOB, hyperventilation ABGs Usually near normal due to compensatory hyperventilation; arterial pO2 is in the mid-70s, pCO2 is low to normal; PPs have ↑ tidal volume and retraction of accessory respiratory muscles. See Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cf Blue bloater.

pink puffer

A facetious term sometimes used by doctors to describe patients breathless from CHRONIC lung disease but still able to maintain sufficient oxygenation of the blood to avoid CYANOSIS. Compare BLUE BLOATER.