SBFSmall Block Ford (automotive engine)
SBFSociedade Brasileira de Fisica (Portuguese: Brazilian Society of Physics)
SBFSingapore Business Federation
SBFSmall Business Finance
SBFSmall Business Forum
SBFSummation Briefcase Format
SBFSubtract Floating
SBFShortest Internal Buffer First
SBFSequential Block Filemanager
SBFSingle Byte Font
SBFSpool File Block Format
SBFSuntory Beverage & Food (Japan)
SBFStudium Biblicum Franciscanum (Franciscan School of Biblical Investigations; Jerusalem, Israel)
SBFSingle Black Female
SBFSnaffle Bit Futurity (horse show)
SBFSimulated Body Fluid (biochemistry)
SBFSanta Barbara Foundation (Santa Barbara, CA)
SBFSalvo Buon Fine (Italian: reduction in price effects subject to collection)
SBFSiyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi (Ankara, Turkey)
SBFSatrinaBuffFrame (software)
SBFStrategic Bond Fund (finance)
SBFSouth Bay Foundry (California)
SBFSociété des Bourses Francaises
SBFSynthetic Base Fluid (oil drilling)
SBFSouls of Black Folk (William E. B. Du Bois treatise)
SBFSurface Brightness Fluctuation
SBFSkin Blood Flow
SBFSwedish Board of Fisheries (est. 1948)
SBFSuper Best Friends
SBFStructure-Behavior-Function (modeling language)
SBFStammtisch Beau Fleuve (website)
SBFStudent Business Forum
SBFSociété Botanique de France (French: Botanical Society of France)
SBFSimple but Fast (physics)
SBFSupport By Fire
SBFScottish Biodiversity Forum (est. 1996; UK)
SBFStefan Batory Foundation (Poland)
SBFSynthetic-Based Drilling Fluid
SBFSwiss Boomerang Federation
SBFSingle Barrier Failure
SBFSingapore Bowling Federation
SBFSuperbikeForums (website)
SBFStrong Beach Fit (Long Beach, CA)
SBFSocial Brain Foundation (China)
SBFScholastic Book Fair
SBFSport Bike Freaks
SBFStreet Bike Freaks
SBFSchool Book Fairs, Limited
SBFStreet Bike Fury (game)
SBFSpecial Beekeepers Fund (Ontario, Canada)
SBFSmart Buyer Function (technology sourcing)
SBFSexy Boy Friend
SBFSaanichton Bible Fellowship (Canada)
SBFStraight Best Friend (chat slang)
SBFSecret Best Friend (slang)
SBFSkinless Boneless Filet
SBFSmall Business Facility
SBFSubmissive Bisexual Female
SBFSouth Bend Forum (South Bend, IN)
SBFStupid But Funny
SBFSri Bodhiraja Foundation (Sri Lanka)
SBFScottish Business Forums