

单词 stock



S0767100 (stŏk)n.1. A supply accumulated for future use; a store.2. The total merchandise kept on hand by a merchant, commercial establishment, warehouse, or manufacturer.3. a. All the animals kept or raised on a farm; livestock.b. All the aquatic animals kept or raised in an aquaculture operation.c. A population of wild animals, especially of a species that is also farmed: interactions between hatchery fish and wild stocks.4. a. A kind of financial security granting rights of ownership in a corporation, such as a claim to a portion of the assets and earnings of the corporation and the right to vote for the board of directors. Stock is issued and traded in units called shares.b. The stock issued by a particular company: a mutual fund that invests in technology stocks.c. Chiefly British The money invested in a corporation, including debt and equity.d. Chiefly British A bond, especially a government bond.5. The trunk or main stem of a tree or another plant.6. a. A plant or stem onto which a graft is made.b. A plant or tree from which cuttings and slips are taken.7. a. The original progenitor of a family line.b. The descendants of a common ancestor; a family line, especially of a specified character: comes from farming stock.c. Ancestry or lineage; antecedents.d. The type from which a group of animals or plants has descended.e. A race, family, or other related group of animals or plants.f. An ethnic group or other major division of the human race.g. A group of related languages.h. A group of related families of languages.8. a. The raw material out of which something is made.b. Paper used for printing.9. The broth in which meat, fish, bones, or vegetables are simmered for a relatively long period, used as a base in preparing soup, gravy, or sauces.10. a. A main upright part, especially a supporting structure or block.b. stocks Nautical The timber frame that supports a ship during construction.c. often stocks A frame in which a horse or other animal is held for shoeing or for veterinary treatment.11. stocks A device consisting of a heavy timber frame with holes for confining the ankles and sometimes the wrists, formerly used for punishment.12. Nautical A crosspiece at the end of the shank of an anchor.13. The wooden block from which a bell is suspended.14. a. The rear wooden, metal, or plastic handle or support of a rifle, pistol, or automatic weapon, to which the barrel and mechanism are attached.b. The long supporting structure and mooring beam of field-gun carriages that trails along the ground to provide stability and support.15. A handle, such as that of a whip, a fishing rod, or various carpentry tools.16. The frame of a plow, to which the share, handles, coulter, and other parts are fastened.17. a. A theatrical stock company.b. The repertoire of such a company.c. A theater or theatrical activity, especially outside of a main theatrical center: a small role in summer stock.18. Botany Any of several Eurasian and Mediterranean plants of the genus Matthiola in the mustard family, especially M. incana, widely cultivated for its clusters of showy, fragrant, variously colored flowers.19. Games The portion of a pack of cards or of a group of dominoes that is not dealt out but is drawn from during a game.20. Geology A body of intrusive igneous rock of which less than 100 square kilometers (40 square miles) is exposed.21. Zoology A compound organism, such as a colony of zooids.22. a. Personal reputation or status: a teacher whose stock with the students is rising.b. Confidence or credence: I put no stock in that statement.23. a. A long white neckcloth worn as part of a formal riding habit.b. A broad scarf worn around the neck, especially by certain clerics.24. Rolling stock.v. stocked, stock·ing, stocks v.tr.1. To provide or furnish with a stock of something, especially:a. To supply (a shop) with merchandise.b. To supply (a farm) with livestock.c. To fill (a stream, for example) with fish.2. To keep for future sale or use.3. To provide (a rifle, for example) with a stock.4. Obsolete To put (someone) in the stocks as a punishment.v.intr.1. To gather and lay in a supply of something: stock up on canned goods.2. To put forth or sprout new shoots. Used of a plant.adj.1. Kept regularly in stock: a stock item.2. Repeated regularly without any thought or originality; routine: a stock answer.3. Employed in dealing with or caring for stock or merchandise: a stock clerk.4. a. Of or relating to the raising of livestock: stock farming.b. Used for breeding: a stock mare.5. a. Of or relating to a stock company or its repertoire.b. Of or being a conventional character or situation that recurs in many literary or cinematic works.Idioms: in stock Available for sale or use; on hand. out of stock Not available for sale or use.
[Middle English stok, from Old English stocc, tree trunk. N., sense 18, short for stock-gillyflower (from their woody stems ).]
stock′age n.stock′er n.


(stɒk) n1. (Commerce) a. (sometimes plural) the total goods or raw material kept on the premises of a shop or businessb. (as modifier): a stock clerk; stock book. 2. a supply of something stored for future use: he keeps a good stock of whisky. 3. (Banking & Finance) finance a. the capital raised by a company through the issue and subscription of shares entitling their holders to dividends, partial ownership, and usually voting rightsb. the proportion of such capital held by an individual shareholderc. the shares of a specified company or industryd. (formerly) the part of an account or tally given to a creditore. the debt represented by this4. standing or status5. (Agriculture) a. farm animals, such as cattle and sheep, bred and kept for their meat, skins, etcb. (as modifier): stock farming. 6. (Botany) the trunk or main stem of a tree or other plant7. (Horticulture) horticulture a. a rooted plant into which a scion is inserted during graftingb. a plant or stem from which cuttings are taken. See also rootstock8. (Anthropology & Ethnology) the original type from which a particular race, family, group, etc, is derived9. (Biology) a race, breed, or variety of animals or plants10. (Agriculture) (often plural) a small pen in which a single animal can be confined11. a line of descent12. (Anthropology & Ethnology) any of the major subdivisions of the human species; race or ethnic group13. (Military) the part of a rifle, sub-machine-gun, etc, into which the barrel and firing mechanism is set: held by the firer against the shoulder14. the handle of something, such as a whip or fishing rod15. (Tools) the main body of a tool, such as the block of a plane16. (Tools) short for diestock, gunstock, rolling stock17. (Agriculture) (formerly) the part of a plough to which the irons and handles were attached18. (Building) the main upright part of a supporting structure19. (Cookery) a liquid or broth in which meat, fish, bones, or vegetables have been simmered for a long time20. (Photography) film material before exposure and processing21. (Metallurgy) metallurgy a. a portion of metal cut from a bar upon which a specific process, such as forging, is to be carried outb. the material that is smelted in a blast furnace22. (Plants) Also called: gillyflower any of several plants of the genus Matthiola, such as M. incana and M. bicornis (evening or night-scented stock), of the Mediterranean region, cultivated for their brightly coloured flowers: Brassicaceae (crucifers)23. (Plants) Virginian stock a similar and related North American plant, Malcolmia maritima24. (Clothing & Fashion) a long usually white neckcloth wrapped around the neck, worn in the 18th century and as part of modern riding dress25. (Card Games) cards a pile of cards left after the deal in certain games, from which players draw26. (Theatre) a. the repertoire of plays available to a repertory companyb. (as modifier): a stock play. 27. (Nautical Terms) (on some types of anchors) a crosspiece at the top of the shank under the ring28. (General Engineering) the centre of a wheel29. (Geological Science) an exposed igneous intrusion that is smaller in area than a batholith30. (Forestry) a log or block of wood31. See laughing stock32. (Clothing & Fashion) an archaic word for stocking33. (Commerce) in stock a. stored on the premises or available for sale or useb. supplied with goods of a specified kind34. (Commerce) out of stock a. not immediately available for sale or useb. not having goods of a specified kind immediately available35. take stock a. to make an inventoryb. to make a general appraisal, esp of prospects, resources, etc36. take stock in to attach importance to37. lock, stock, and barrel See lock17adj38. staple, standard: stock sizes in clothes. 39. (prenominal) being a cliché; hackneyed: a stock phrase. vb40. (Commerce) (tr) to keep (goods) for sale41. (intr; usually foll by up or up on) to obtain a store of (something) for future use or sale: to stock up on beer. 42. (Agriculture) (tr) to supply with live animals, fish, etc: to stock a farm. 43. (Botany) (intr) (of a plant) to put forth new shoots44. (Historical Terms) (tr) obsolete to punish by putting in the stocks[Old English stocc trunk (of a tree), stem, stick (the various senses developed from these meanings, as trunk of a tree, hence line of descent; structures made of timber; a store of timber or other goods for future use, hence an aggregate of goods, animals, etc); related to Old Saxon, Old High German stock stick, stump] ˈstocker n



n. 1. a supply of goods kept on hand for sale to customers by a merchant, manufacturer, etc.; inventory. 2. a quantity of something accumulated, as for future use. 3. livestock. 4. a. a theatrical stock company. b. the work or business of such a company; repertory. c. summer stock. 5. a. the shares of a particular company or corporation. b. a stock certificate. c. (formerly) a tally or stick used in transactions between a debtor and a creditor. 6. a. in grafting, a stem in which the bud or scion is inserted. b. a stem, tree, or plant that furnishes slips or cuttings. 7. the trunk or main stem of a tree or other plant, as distinguished from roots and branches. 8. the type from which a group of animals or plants has been derived. 9. a race or other related group of animals or plants. 10. the person from whom a given line of descent is derived; the original progenitor. 11. a line of descent; a tribe, race, or ethnic group. 12. a. a category consisting of language families that, because of resemblances in grammatical structure and vocabulary, are considered likely to be related by common origin. b. any grouping of related languages. 13. the handle of a whip, fishing rod, etc. 14. a. the wooden or metal piece to which the barrel and mechanism of a rifle are attached. b. a part of an automatic weapon, as a machine gun, similar in position or function. 15. a dull or stupid person. 16. something lifeless or senseless. 17. the main upright part of anything, esp. a supporting structure. 18. stocks, a. a former instrument of punishment consisting of a framework with holes for securing the ankles and, sometimes, the wrists, used to expose an offender to public derision. Compare pillory (def. 1). b. a frame in which a horse or other animal is secured in a standing position for shoeing or for a veterinary operation. c. the frame on which a boat rests while under construction. 19. a. a vertical shaft forming part of a rudder and controlling the rudder's movement. b. a transverse piece of wood or metal near the ring on some anchors. 20. the raw material from which something is made. 21. the broth from boiled meat, fish, or poultry, used in soups and sauces. 22. any of several plants belonging to the genus Matthiola, of the mustard family, esp. M. incana, having fragrant flowers in a variety of colors. 23. the portion of a deck of cards left on the table to be drawn from as occasion requires. 24. rolling stock. 25. Archaic. a stocking. 26. Obs. the frame of a plow to which the share, handles, etc., are attached. adj. 27. kept regularly on hand, as for use or sale; staple; standard. 28. having as one's job the care of a concern's goods. 29. of the common or ordinary type; commonplace. 30. pertaining to or designating the breeding and raising of livestock. 31. of or pertaining to the stock of a company or corporation. 32. a. pertaining to a theatrical stock company or its repertoire. b. appearing in repertory: stock players. v.t. 33. to furnish with a stock or supply. 34. to furnish with livestock. 35. to lay up in store, as for future use. 36. to fasten to or provide with a stock, as a rifle or plow. 37. to put in the stocks as a punishment. v.i. 38. to lay in a stock of something (often fol. by up). Idioms: 1. in stock, on hand for use or sale. 2. out of stock, lacking a supply, esp. temporarily. 3. take or put stock in, to put confidence in or attach importance to; believe; trust. 4. take stock, a. to make an inventory of stock on hand. b. to appraise resources or prospects. [before 900; Old English stoc(c) stump, stake, c. Old Norse stokkr tree trunk]


 cattle, horses, or sheep that are bred for use or profit, collectively; a swarm of bees.Examples: stock of bees, 1675; of Quakers, 1674.


Past participle: stocked
Gerund: stocking
I stock
you stock
he/she/it stocks
we stock
you stock
they stock
I stocked
you stocked
he/she/it stocked
we stocked
you stocked
they stocked
Present Continuous
I am stocking
you are stocking
he/she/it is stocking
we are stocking
you are stocking
they are stocking
Present Perfect
I have stocked
you have stocked
he/she/it has stocked
we have stocked
you have stocked
they have stocked
Past Continuous
I was stocking
you were stocking
he/she/it was stocking
we were stocking
you were stocking
they were stocking
Past Perfect
I had stocked
you had stocked
he/she/it had stocked
we had stocked
you had stocked
they had stocked
I will stock
you will stock
he/she/it will stock
we will stock
you will stock
they will stock
Future Perfect
I will have stocked
you will have stocked
he/she/it will have stocked
we will have stocked
you will have stocked
they will have stocked
Future Continuous
I will be stocking
you will be stocking
he/she/it will be stocking
we will be stocking
you will be stocking
they will be stocking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been stocking
you have been stocking
he/she/it has been stocking
we have been stocking
you have been stocking
they have been stocking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been stocking
you will have been stocking
he/she/it will have been stocking
we will have been stocking
you will have been stocking
they will have been stocking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been stocking
you had been stocking
he/she/it had been stocking
we had been stocking
you had been stocking
they had been stocking
I would stock
you would stock
he/she/it would stock
we would stock
you would stock
they would stock
Past Conditional
I would have stocked
you would have stocked
he/she/it would have stocked
we would have stocked
you would have stocked
they would have stocked


Like a batholith but smaller.
Noun1.stock - the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)stock - the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity); "he owns a controlling share of the company's stock"common shares, common stock, ordinary shares - stock other than preferred stock; entitles the owner to a share of the corporation's profits and a share of the voting power in shareholder elections; "over 40 million Americans invest in common stocks"no-par stock, no-par-value stock - stock with no par value specified in the corporate charter or on the stock certificatepreference shares, preferred shares, preferred stock - stock whose holders are guaranteed priority in the payment of dividends but whose holders have no voting rightsfloat - the number of shares outstanding and available for trading by the publiccommon stock equivalent - preferred stock or convertible bonds or warrants that can be converted into common stockcontrol stock - shares owned by shareholders who have a controlling interestgrowth stock - stock of a corporation that has had faster than average gains in earnings and is expected to continue tohot issue, hot stock - newly issued stock that is in great public demandshare - any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate; "he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"authorized shares, authorized stock, capital stock - the maximum number of shares authorized under the terms of a corporation's articles of incorporationquarter stock - stock with a par value of $25/sharecapital, working capital - assets available for use in the production of further assetsreacquired stock, treasury shares, treasury stock - stock that has been bought back by the issuing corporation and is available for retirement or resale; it is issued but not outstanding; it cannot vote and pays no dividendsvoting stock - shares in a corporation that entitle the shareholder to voting and proxy rightswatered stock - stock representing ownership of overvalued assets; stock of a corporation whose total worth is less than its invested capital
2.stock - the merchandise that a shop has on hand; "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"; "they stopped selling in exact sizes in order to reduce inventory"inventorymerchandise, product, ware - commodities offered for sale; "good business depends on having good merchandise"; "that store offers a variety of products"
3.stock - the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun; "the rifle had been fitted with a special stock"gunstockartillery, heavy weapon, ordnance, gun - large but transportable armamentgun - a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)handgrip, handle, grip, hold - the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"machine gun - a rapidly firing automatic gun (often mounted)handgun, pistol, shooting iron, side arm - a firearm that is held and fired with one handpistol grip - a handle (as of a gun or saw) shaped like the butt of a pistolsupport - any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"
4.stock - a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporationstock - a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation; "the value of his stocks doubled during the past year"stock certificateshare - any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate; "he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"certificate, security - a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends; "he held several valuable securities"
5.stock - a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"fund, storeinfrastructure, base - the stock of basic facilities and capital equipment needed for the functioning of a country or area; "the industrial base of Japan"accumulation - (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporationhoard, stash, cache - a secret store of valuables or moneyprovision - a store or supply of something (especially of food or clothing or arms)government issue, military issue, issue - supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the governmentseed stock - a supply of seeds (or tubers) reserved for planting
6.stock - the descendants of one individualstock - the descendants of one individual; "his entire lineage has been warriors"blood line, bloodline, ancestry, lineage, pedigree, stemma, line of descent, parentage, blood, origin, descent, linekinfolk, kinsfolk, phratry, family line, sept, folk, family - people descended from a common ancestor; "his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower"side - a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his father's side"family tree, genealogy - successive generations of kin
7.stock - a special variety of domesticated animals within a species; "he experimented on a particular breed of white rats"; "he created a new strain of sheep"breed, strainanimal group - a group of animalsvariety - (biology) a taxonomic category consisting of members of a species that differ from others of the same species in minor but heritable characteristics; "varieties are frequently recognized in botany"bloodstock - thoroughbred horses (collectively)pedigree - line of descent of a purebred animalspecies - (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed
8.stock - liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmeredstock - liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered; used as a basis for e.g. soups or sauces; "she made gravy with a base of beef stock"brothsoup - liquid food especially of meat or fish or vegetable stock often containing pieces of solid foodpot likker, pot liquor, liquor - the liquid in which vegetables or meat have be cookedbeef broth, beef stock - a stock made with beefchicken broth, chicken stock - a stock made with chickenstock cube - a cube of dehydrated stock
9.stock - the reputation and popularity a person has; "his stock was so high he could have been elected mayor"reputation, repute - the state of being held in high esteem and honor
10.stock - persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plantcaudexstalk, stem - a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
11.stock - a plant or stem onto which a graft is made; especially a plant grown specifically to provide the root part of grafted plantsplant part, plant structure - any part of a plant or fungusrootstock - root or part of a root used for plant propagation; especially that part of a grafted plant that supplies the roots
12.stock - any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowersstock - any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowersgillyflowerflower - a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossomsgenus Matthiola, Matthiola - genus of Old World plants grown as ornamentalsbrompton stock, Matthiola incana - European plant with racemes of sweet-scented flowers; widely cultivated as an ornamental
13.stock - any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmiastock - any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus MalcolmiaMalcolm stockflower - a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossomsgenus Malcolmia, Malcolmia - genus of plants usually found in coastal habitats; Mediterranean to Afghanistan
14.stock - lumber used in the construction of something; "they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter"lumber, timber - the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material
15.stock - the handle end of some implements or tools; "he grabbed the cue by the stock"bitstock, brace - a carpenter's tool having a crank handle for turning and a socket to hold a bit for boringbutt, butt end - thick end of the handlecue stick, pool cue, pool stick, cue - sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiardsfishing pole, fishing rod - a rod of wood or steel or fiberglass that is used in fishing to extend the fishing linehandgrip, handle, grip, hold - the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"whip - an instrument with a handle and a flexible lash that is used for whipping
16.stock - an ornamental white cravatneckclothcravat - neckwear worn in a slipknot with long ends overlapping vertically in front
17.stock - any animals kept for use or profitstock - any animals kept for use or profit farm animal, livestockeutherian, eutherian mammal, placental, placental mammal - mammals having a placenta; all mammals except monotremes and marsupialscarry - be able to feed; "This land will carry ten cows to the acre"
Verb1.stock - have on hand; "Do you carry kerosene heaters?"stockpile, carryhave, have got, hold - have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
2.stock - equip with a stock; "stock a rifle"equip, fit out, outfit, fit - provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose; "The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities"
3.stock - supply with fish; "stock a lake"animal husbandry - breeding and caring for farm animalsfurnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"stock - supply with livestock; "stock a farm"
4.stock - supply with livestock; "stock a farm"animal husbandry - breeding and caring for farm animalsfurnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"stock - supply with fish; "stock a lake"
5.stock - amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use; "let's stock coffee as long as prices are low"buy in, stock upcommerce, commercialism, mercantilism - transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)overstock - stock excessivelyunderstock - stock with less than the usual or desirable number or quantityfurnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
6.stock - provide or furnish with a stock of something; "stock the larder with meat"plant - place into a river; "plant fish"restock - stock again; "He restocked his land with pheasants"furnish, provide, supply, render - give something useful or necessary to; "We provided the room with an electrical heater"
7.stock - put forth and grow sprouts or shoots; "the plant sprouted early this year"sproutacquire, develop, produce, grow, get - come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts"
Adj.1.stock - repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"banal, hackneyed, old-hat, threadbare, timeworn, trite, well-worn, tired, shopworn, commonplaceunoriginal - not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual; "the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations"; "his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern"- Gwethalyn Graham
2.stock - routine; "a stock answer"standard - conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind; "windows of standard width"; "standard sizes"; "the standard fixtures"; "standard brands"; "standard operating procedure"
3.stock - regularly and widely used or sold; "a standard size"; "a stock item"standardregular - in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties"


noun1. shares, holdings, securities, investments, bonds, equities Stock prices have dropped.2. property, capital, assets, funds The Fisher family holds 40% of the stock.3. goods, merchandise, wares, range, choice, variety, selection, commodities, array, assortment We took a decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale.4. supply, store, reserve, fund, reservoir, stockpile, hoard, cache a stock of ammunition5. lineage, descent, extraction, ancestry, house, family, line, race, type, variety, background, breed, strain, pedigree, forebears, parentage, line of descent We are both from working-class stock.6. livestock, cattle, beasts, domestic animals I am carefully selecting the breeding stock.7. rolling stock, carriages, wagons, locomotives, equipment a firm with considerable experience of transporting railway stock by roadverb1. sell, supply, handle, keep, trade in, deal in, carry The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper.2. fill, supply, provide with, provision, equip, furnish, fit out, kit out I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.adjective1. hackneyed, standard, usual, set, routine, stereotyped, staple, commonplace, worn-out, banal, run-of-the-mill, trite, overused National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.2. regular, traditional, usual, basic, ordinary, conventional, staple, customary They supply stock sizes outside the middle range.in stock available, for sale Check that your size is in stock.stock something up fill, pack, load, cram, freight, lade I had to stock up the boat with food.stock up with something store (up), lay in, hoard, save, gather, accumulate, amass, buy up, put away, replenish supplies of New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.take stock review the situation, weigh up, appraise, estimate, size up (informal), see how the land lies It was time to take stock of my life.


noun1. A supply stored or hidden for future use:backlog, cache, hoard, inventory, nest egg, reserve, reservoir, stockpile, store, treasure.Slang: stash.2. A group of people sharing common ancestry:clan, family, house, kindred, lineage, tribe.Idioms: flesh and blood, kith and kin.3. One's ancestors or their character or one's ancestral derivation:ancestry, birth, blood, bloodline, descent, extraction, family, genealogy, line, lineage, origin, parentage, pedigree, seed.verbTo have for sale:carry, keep.adjectiveBeing of no special quality or type:average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried, formulaic, garden, garden-variety, indifferent, mediocre, ordinary, plain, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable.


(stok) noun1. (often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc. Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available). 存貨 存货2. a supply of something. We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip. 儲備品,供應物 储备品,供应物 3. farm animals. He would like to purchase more (live) stock. 牲畜 牲畜4. (often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest. government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares. 公債券,證券 公债券5. liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc. 高湯(用肉、等熬出的) (炖肉等的)原汤 6. the handle of a whip, rifle etc. adjective common; usual. stock sizes of shoes. 普通的(因普通所以較常有存貨之意) 常备的 verb1. to keep a supply of for sale. Does this shop stock writing-paper? 現貨供應,隨時有存貨待售 现货供应,为…备货 2. to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc. He cannot afford to stock his farm. 供應某物給某處(如供應商品給商店、供應牲畜給農場) 供给(商店、农场)商品、牲畜等 ˈstockist noun a person who stocks certain goods. These boots can be obtained from your local stockist. 存貨商 存货商stocks noun plural1. the wooden framework upon which a ship is supported when being built, repaired etc. 造船台 造船台2. formerly a wooden frame in which a criminal was fastened as a punishment. 枷(古刑具) 枷(古刑具) ˈstockbroker noun a person who buys and sells stocks and shares for others. 證券經紀人 证券经纪人stock exchange a place where stocks and shares are bought and sold. 證券交易所 证券交易所stock market a stock exchange, or the dealings on that. 證券市場 股票市场ˈstockpile noun a supply of goods or materials accumulated eg by a government in case of war or other emergency. 儲備物資(應急或供戰時使用) 应急(战时)用库存物资 verb to accumulate (a supply of this sort). 囤積 大量贮备,积聚 ˌstock-ˈstill adjective, adverb motionless. He stood absolutely stock-still. 一動不動的,一動也不動地 站着一动不动的(地) ˈstock-taking noun a regular check of the goods in a shop, warehouse etc. 盤點 盘点stock up to accumulate a supply of (something). The boys were stocking up on/with chocolate and lemonade for their walk. 儲備 为...储备take stock to form an opinion (about a situation etc). Before you decide, give yourself time to take stock (of the situation). 估量(情況) 估量(情况)


库存zhCN, 进货zhCN
  • Is this cooked in meat stock? → 这是用肉汤制作的吗?
  • Is this cooked in fish stock? → 这是用鱼汤制作的吗?


  • a laughing stock
  • be in stock
  • be out of stock
  • be stock still
  • be, stay, stand, etc. stock-still
  • cross as a bear
  • deal stock
  • have (something) in stock
  • have in stock
  • in stock
  • in/out of stock
  • laughing stock
  • lock, stock and barrel
  • lock, stock, and barrel
  • make (someone, something, or oneself) a laughingstock
  • make a laughingstock of (someone, something, or oneself)
  • not put stock in (something)
  • not take stock in (something)
  • on the stocks
  • out of stock
  • put no stock in (something)
  • put stock in
  • stand stock still
  • stay stock still
  • stock (someone or something) up (with something)
  • stock (something) with (something else)
  • stock in trade
  • stock phrase
  • stock up
  • stock up on (something)
  • stock with
  • stock-in-trade
  • story stock
  • take no stock in
  • take no stock in (something)
  • take stock
  • take stock (of something)
  • take stock in
  • take stock in (something)



in botany, common name for any species of the genus Matthiola, for Malcomia maritima (Virginia stock), and for the wallflower, all belonging to the family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae; mustardmustard,
common name for the Cruciferae, or Brassicaceae, a large family chiefly of herbs of north temperate regions. The easily distinguished flowers of the Cruciferae have four petals arranged diagonally ("cruciform") and alternating with the four sepals.
..... Click the link for more information.
 family), and for a carnation of the family Caryophyllaceae (pinkpink,
common name for some members of the Caryophyllaceae, a family of small herbs found chiefly in north temperate zones (especially the Mediterranean area) but with several genera indigenous to south temperate zones and high altitudes of tropical mountains.
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 family). Most are herbs indigenous to the Mediterranean region and to S Africa. A few are widely cultivated, both in greenhouses and in gardens, for the fragrant blossoms—usually purplish in the wild but of various colors in horticultural types. The evening stock, or perfume plant (Matthiola bicornis), is night-blooming; the Brampton stock, or gillyflower (M. incana), has an early blooming variety (annua), known as ten-weeks-stock or cut-and-come-again, which is sometimes grown as a house plant. The name gillyflower is also used for the Virginia stock, the wallflower, and for the carnation of the pinkpink,
common name for some members of the Caryophyllaceae, a family of small herbs found chiefly in north temperate zones (especially the Mediterranean area) but with several genera indigenous to south temperate zones and high altitudes of tropical mountains.
..... Click the link for more information.
 family. Stock is classified in the division MagnoliophytaMagnoliophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of those organisms commonly called the flowering plants, or angiosperms. The angiosperms have leaves, stems, and roots, and vascular, or conducting, tissue (xylem and phloem).
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, class Magnoliopsida, order Capparales (or Brassicales), family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae); and order Caryophyllales, family Caryophyllaceae.


in horticulture: see graftinggrafting,
horticultural practice of uniting parts of two plants so that they grow as one. The scion, or cion, the part grafted onto the stock or rooted part, may be a single bud, as in budding, or a cutting that has several buds.
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in finance, instrument certifying to shares in the ownership of a corporation. Bonds are similar evidences of shares in a loan to a corporation. Stock yields no dividends until claims of bondholders have been met. Preferred stock is entitled to dividends of a specified percentage per annum before common stock is entitled to any dividends; the common stock is then usually entitled to the rest of the profits. In case of liquidation of the company, holders of bonds and preferred stock take precedence over holders of common stock in the division of assets. Holders of common stock usually have voting rights in the management of the corporation; bondholders and, usually, holders of preferred stock have no voting rights. Since the value of common stock depends largely on its earnings, it is often issued with no par value. Public demand for securities and the need of corporations for ready capital have led to the development of stock exchanges in most of the major cities of the world (see stock exchangestock exchange,
organized market for the trading of stocks and bonds (see bond; stock). Such markets were originally open to all, but at present only members of the owning association may buy and sell directly.
..... Click the link for more information.


Any material such as lumber or masonry that is normally readily available from a supplier’s stock.



(Matthiola incana), an annual or biennial ornamental plant of the family Cruciferae. The stem is grassy and measures between 20 and 80 cm tall. The leaves are lanceolate or narrowly obovate. The flowers are simple or double, variously colored, fragrant, and gathered into tight or loose racemose inflorescences. Stock grows wild in the Mediterranean region. Its cultivation has been traced back to the 16th century.

According to the duration of the cycle of development, the following varieties are distinguished: ten-week, or intermediate stock (var. annua), winter stock (var. hiberna), and autumn-blooming stock (var. autumnalis). The last is a hybrid of ten-week and winter stock. Each variety is represented by numerous forms, which are united in varietal groups according to the height and shape of the bush, the length and compactness of the inflorescence, and the distinguishing colors of the flowers.

Ten-week stock is an annual plant, used primarily in flower beds, as summer potted plants, and for cut flowers. For early flowering the seeds are planted in the second half of March in benches in green houses. They are transplanted in the ground in May. The seeds can be sown in the open ground in April and May or right before winter.

Winter stock is a biennial plant (in cultivation); in southern regions it is dormant in the open ground during the winter and flowers in spring. It is used in interior decoration as a potted plant. The seeds are sown in April and May in benches in greenhouses or in cold frames, and the seedlings are transplanted in open ground in the first half of July. At the end of September the plants are placed in pots, set up in hotbeds, covered with frames, and shaded. In November or later the plants are transferred to a greenhouse or a room, where they blossom from March through May.


Kiselev, G. E. Tsvetovodstvo, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1964.




in fruit growing, a plant or part of a plant upon which a scion of another plant variety is grafted. Stocks may be of seed (seedlings or wildlings) or vegetative origin. The stock and the scion join together to form a single plant, but each performs different functions. The stock supplies the graft with minerals, synthesized organic substances, and water; the scion provides products of assimilation. This feature in the nutrition of the graft leads to a complex relationship between the scion and the stock and to their reciprocal influence. The relationship may be favorable, in which case normally developed plants are formed; an unfavorable relationship results in seedlings and trees that are in some measure deficient. The result depends on the completeness of the joining of stock and scion and the degree of completeness of the metabolism effected between them, that is, on the physiological compatibility of the stock and scion.

The stock influences the growth intensity, early fertility, yield, and longevity of the graft; the beginning and end of growth of grafted trees; and the time of leaf fall and maturation of tissues. It consequently influences the graft’s winterhardiness and its resistance to frost, pests, disease, and unfavorable soil and climatic conditions. However, these characteristics are temporary, not becoming fixed genetically and disappearing with the cessation of the stock’s influence on the grafted tree. The scion may lower or raise the winterhardiness of the stock and may influence the shape and the depth of the root system.

Owing to the importance of the stock in fruit growing, a number of requirements are made of it that guarantee the production of fruit trees with great viability and productivity. Stocks must be well adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the places where the seedlings are grown and the orchards are planted. They must be winter-hardy, and, in the south, drought resistant. Some must also be salt tolerant. The stocks must be compatible with the varieties to be grafted on them.

In fruit growing, different stocks are used for the same crop. The stock used is determined by production goals. For example, apple is grafted onto seedlings of cultivated varieties and on crab apple trees in the southern and central regions of the USSR, onto the Chinese apple in more northerly regions, and onto the Siberian apple and its strains in the east and north. Stocks are regionalized for different fruit-growing zones and are divided into principal stocks (more important and more frequently used) and supplementary stocks (having secondary or often specialized significance). The specificity of stock use extends the range of commercial fruit crops and the most valuable varieties. In the USSR, nurseries raise about 40 species of stocks, which vary in origin (wild or cultivated), growth intensity (strong or weak), and means of propagation (seed or vegetative).


Stepanov, S. N. Plodovyi pitomnik, 2nd ed. [Moscow, 1963.]
Trusevich, G. V. Podvoi plodovykh porod. Moscow, 1964.
Katalog raionirovannykh sortov plodovo-iagodnykh kul’tur, vinograda i podvoev po RSFSR. Moscow, 1966.
Plodovodstvo, 2nd ed. Edited by V. A. Kolesnikov. Moscow, 1966.




the straw of flax, hemp, and certain southern bast crops (for example, jute and kenaf) treated by biological, thermal, or chemical procedures that break down the pectin substances binding the wood and exodermis to the fiber bundles. Fiber for spinning is obtained from stock by mechanical means: breaking, beating, and combing.



(geology), a cylindrical, tear-shaped, or cube-shaped body of rock or useful mineral. Its intersecting contacts with the country rock are irregular in outline and complicated by swells and shoots. Stocks vary in width from a few meters to several kilometers and have a vertical extent of up to several kilometers.

Three types of stocks are distinguished according to conditions of formation: tectonic, magmatic, and metasomatic. Tectonic stocks occur as a result of squeezing out the plastic substance of rocks during tectonic deformations, for example, stocks of rock salt in regions of tectonic salt structures.

Magmatic stocks form when a magmatic melt enters the country rock. In the early géosynclinal stage, stocks of ultrabasic and basic rocks are formed, as well as stocks of chromites and titano-magnetites associated with them. In the middle stage, stocks of granitoids are formed. In the late stage of the géosynclinal cycle and under platform conditions, stocks of syenites, porphyries, porphyrites, diabases, and andésites are formed.

Metasomatic stocks form when the rock is replaced by a mineral substance precipitated from hot hydrothermal solutions circulating in the crust. Examples of such stocks are those of copper, lead, zinc, tin, antimony, and other metal ores.


[stäk] (geology) pipe (industrial engineering) A product or material kept in storage until needed for use or transferred to some ultimate point for use, for example, crude oil tankage or paper-pulp feed. Designation of a particular material, such as bright stock or naphtha stock. (petrology) A usually discordant, batholithlike body of intrusive igneous rock not exceeding 40 square miles (103.6 square kilometers) in surface exposure and usually discordant.


1. Lumber, panels, doors, windows, etc., commonly used and readily available from suppliers. 2. The principal supporting or holding part; the part in which other parts are inserted, as the body of a tool. 3. A tool, used in cutting threads for pipes or bolts, which holds the dies.


symbolizes enduring loveliness. [Flower Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 177]See: Beauty, Lasting


1. a. the total goods or raw material kept on the premises of a shop or business b. (as modifier): a stock clerk 2. the trunk or main stem of a tree or other plant 3. Horticulturea. a rooted plant into which a scion is inserted during grafting b. a plant or stem from which cuttings are taken 4. the original type from which a particular race, family, group, etc., is derived 5. a race, breed, or variety of animals or plants 6. any of the major subdivisions of the human species; race or ethnic group 7. the main body of a tool, such as the block of a plane 8. short for diestock gunstock, rolling stock9. film material before exposure and processing 10. Metallurgya. a portion of metal cut from a bar upon which a specific process, such as forging, is to be carried out b. the material that is smelted in a blast furnace 11. any of several plants of the genus Matthiola, such as M. incana and M. bicornis (evening or night-scented stock), of the Mediterranean region, cultivated for their brightly coloured flowers: Brassicaceae (crucifers) 12. Virginian stock a similar and related North American plant, Malcolmia maritima 13. Cards a pile of cards left after the deal in certain games, from which players draw 14. a. the repertoire of plays available to a repertory company b. (as modifier): a stock play 15. (on some types of anchors) a crosspiece at the top of the shank under the ring 16. the centre of a wheel 17. an exposed igneous intrusion that is smaller in area than a batholith 18. a log or block of wood
See stock



(stok), Wolfgang, German ophthalmologist, 1874-1956. See: Spielmeyer-Stock disease.


(stok), All the populations of organisms derived from an isolate without any implication of homogeneity or characterization. [A.S. stoc]


  1. a rooted stem into which a SCION is inserted for grafting (see GRAFT). 2 a mating group used in a breeding programme.


(stok) All the populations of organisms derived from an isolate without any implication of homogeneity or characterization. [A.S. stoc]



A security issued by a corporation that represents an ownership right in the assets of the corporation and a right to a proportionate share of profits after payment of corporate liabilities and obligations.

Shares of stock are reflected in written instruments known as stock certificates. Each share represents a standard unit of ownership in a corporation. Stock differs from consumer goods in that it is not used or consumed; it does not have any intrinsic value but merely represents a right in something else. Nevertheless, a stockholder is a real owner of a corporation's property, which is held in the name of the corporation for the benefit of all its stockholders. An owner of stock generally has the right to participate in the management of the corporation, usually through regularly scheduled stockholders' (or shareholders') meetings. Stocks differ from other Securities such as notes and bonds, which are corporate obligations that do not represent an ownership interest in the corporation.

The value of a share of stock depends upon the issuing corporation's value, profitability, and future prospects. The market price reflects what purchasers are willing to pay based on their evaluation of the company's prospects.

Two main categories of stock exist: common and preferred. An owner of common stock is typically entitled to participate and vote at stockholders' meetings. In addition to common stock, some corporate bylaws or charters allow for the issuance of preferred stock. If a corporation does not issue preferred stock, all of its stock is common stock, entitling all holders to an equal pro rata division of profits or net earnings, should the corporation choose to distribute the earnings as dividends. Preferred stockholders are usually entitled to priority over holders of common stock should a corporation liquidate.

Preferred stocks receive priority over common stock with respect to the payment of dividends. Holders of preferred stock are entitled to receive dividends at a fixed annual rate before any dividend is paid to the holders of common stock. If the earnings to pay a dividend are more than sufficient to meet the fixed annual dividend for preferred stock, then the remainder of the earnings will be distributed to holders of common stock. If the corporate earnings are insufficient, common stockholders will not receive a dividend. In the alternative, a remainder may be distributed pro rata to both preferred and common classes of the stock. In such a case, the preferred stock is said to "participate" with the common stock.

A preferred stock dividend may be cumulative or noncumulative. In the case of cumulative preferred stock, an unpaid dividend becomes a charge upon the profits of the next and succeeding years. These accumulated and unpaid dividends must be paid to preferred stockholders before common stockholders receive any dividends. Noncumulative preferred stock means that a corporation's failure to earn or pay a dividend in any given year extinguishes the obligation, and no debit is made against the succeeding years' surpluses.

Par value is the face or stated value of a share of stock. In the case of common stocks, par value usually does not correspond to the market value of a stock, and a stated par value is of little significance. Par is important with respect to preferred stock, however, because it often signifies the dollar value upon which dividends are figured. Stocks without an assigned stated value are called no par. Some states have eliminated the concept of par value.

Blue chip stocks are stocks traded on a securities exchange (listed stock) that have minimum risk due to the corporation's financial record. Listed stock means a company has filed an application and registration statement with both the Securities and Exchange Commission and a securities exchange. The registration statement contains detailed information about the company to aid the public in evaluating the stock's potential. Floating stock is stock on the open market not yet purchased by the public. Growth stock is stock purchased for its perceived potential to appreciate in value, rather than for its dividend income. Penny stocks are highly speculative stocks that usually cost under a dollar per share.


Securities; Stock Market.


1) n. inventory (goods) of a business meant for sale (as distinguished from equipment and facilities). 2) share in the ownership of a corporation (called "shares of stock" or simply "shares"). 3) cattle. 4) v. to keep goods ready for sale in a business. (See: share, shareholder)


1 borrowing (usually other than short-term) by government or local authorities. In the case of corporate borrowing, the term loan stock is commonly used. 2 shares in a company that have been converted into a single holding with a nominal value equal to that of the total of the shares; accordingly, after conversion a shareholder formerly holding a thousand shares of £1 each will have a holding of £1,000 stock.

STOCK, mer. law. The capital of a merchant tradesman, or other person including his merchandise, money and credits. In a narrower sense it signifies only the goods and wares he has for sale and traffic. The capital of corporations is also called stock; this is usually divided into shares of a definite value, as one hundred dollars, fifty dollars per share.
2. The stock held by individuals in corporations is generally considered as personal property. 4 Dane's Ab. 670; Sull. on Land. Titl. 71; Walk. Introd. 211; 1 Hill, Ab. 1 8.

STOCK, descents. This is a metaphorical expression which designates, in the genealogy of a family, the person from whom others are descended: those persons who have so descended are called branches. Vide 1 Roper on Leg. 103; 2 Suppl. to Ves. 307 and Branch; Descent Line; Stirpes.



Ownership of a corporation indicated by shares, which represent a piece of the corporation's assets and earnings.


A portion of ownership in a corporation. The holder of a stock is entitled to the company's earnings and is responsible for its risk for the portion of the company that each stock represents. There are two main classes of stock: common stock and preferred stock. Common stock holders have the right to vote on major company decisions, such as whether or not to merge with another corporation, and receive dividends determined by management. Preferred stock holders do not usually have voting rights, but receive a minimum dividend. Stock may be bought or sold, usually, though not always, in the context of a securities exchange. It is important to note that a single share of a stock usually represents only a tiny amount of ownership, and, therefore, most stocks are traded in batches of 100.


An ownership share or ownership shares in a corporation. See also bearer stock, common stock, preferred stock, stock class.


Stock is an equity investment that represents part ownership in a corporation and entitles you to part of that corporation's earnings and assets.

Common stock gives shareholders voting rights but no guarantee of dividend payments. Preferred stock provides no voting rights but usually guarantees a dividend payment.

In the past, shareholders received a paper stock certificate -- called a security -- verifying the number of shares they owned. Today, share ownership is usually recorded electronically, and the shares are held in street name by your brokerage firm.

StockFig. 79 Stock. Diagram showing the main components.


  1. the part of a firm's ASSETS that are held in the form of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. These are also known as INVENTORIES. Finished goods are held in stock to ensure that goods are available when required by customers. Raw materials and components are held in stock to prevent disruptions to production caused by lack of materials or components and to secure economies from BULK BUYING. Decisions as to what level of stock to hold may not be entirely in the businessman's hands. Involuntary investment may occur when demand turns out to be less than a producer's expectations. Fig. 79 shows the main components of stock. See STOCK VALUATION, STOCK CONTROL, CONSIGNMENT INVENTORY, DEPENDENT INVENTORY, INDEPENDENT INVENTORY.
  2. a FINANCIAL SECURITY issued by a JOINT-STOCK COMPANY or by the government as a means of raising long-term capital. In some countries (for example the US) stockholders are the equivalent of shareholders and are the owners of the company In other countries (for example the UK) stock is a form of repayable, fixed-interest DEBT and stockholders are creditors of the company not shareholders. Stocks are traded on the STOCK MARKET. See SHARE CAPITAL.


  1. the parts of a firm's ASSETS that are held in the form of raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods. These are also known as INVENTORIES. Finished goods are held in stock to ensure that goods are available when required by customers. Raw materials and components are held in stock to prevent disruptions to production caused by lack of materials or components and to secure economies from bulk purchasing.

    The rate at which firms accumulate and deplete their stocks influences (see STOCK CONTROL) the oscillations in economic activity (see BUSINESS CYCLE). Although the increase and decrease in stocks operates on the same ACCELERATOR principle as capital investment, the decision as to what level of stock to hold may not be entirely in the businessman's hands. Involuntary investment may occur when demand turns out to be less than a producer's expectations so that stock builds up during downturns in the business cycle (see INVENTORY INVESTMENT).

  2. a FINANCIAL SECURITY issued by a JOINT-STOCK COMPANY or by the government as a means of raising long-term capital. In some countries (for example, the USA) stockholders are the equivalent of shareholders and are the owners of the company. In other countries (for example, the UK), stock is a form of repayable, fixed-interest DEBT, and stockholders are creditors of the company not shareholders. Stocks are traded on the STOCK EXCHANGE. See SHARE CAPITAL.
  3. a measurement of quantity at one specific point in time. Unlike a FLOW, a stock is not a function of time. The analogy is frequently made between a tank holding a given stock of water and water entering and leaving the tank as flows of water per minute.


  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for stock

noun shares


  • shares
  • holdings
  • securities
  • investments
  • bonds
  • equities

noun property


  • property
  • capital
  • assets
  • funds

noun goods


  • goods
  • merchandise
  • wares
  • range
  • choice
  • variety
  • selection
  • commodities
  • array
  • assortment

noun supply


  • supply
  • store
  • reserve
  • fund
  • reservoir
  • stockpile
  • hoard
  • cache

noun lineage


  • lineage
  • descent
  • extraction
  • ancestry
  • house
  • family
  • line
  • race
  • type
  • variety
  • background
  • breed
  • strain
  • pedigree
  • forebears
  • parentage
  • line of descent

noun livestock


  • livestock
  • cattle
  • beasts
  • domestic animals

noun rolling stock


  • rolling stock
  • carriages
  • wagons
  • locomotives
  • equipment

verb sell


  • sell
  • supply
  • handle
  • keep
  • trade in
  • deal in
  • carry

verb fill


  • fill
  • supply
  • provide with
  • provision
  • equip
  • furnish
  • fit out
  • kit out

adj hackneyed


  • hackneyed
  • standard
  • usual
  • set
  • routine
  • stereotyped
  • staple
  • commonplace
  • worn-out
  • banal
  • run-of-the-mill
  • trite
  • overused

adj regular


  • regular
  • traditional
  • usual
  • basic
  • ordinary
  • conventional
  • staple
  • customary

phrase in stock


  • available
  • for sale

phrase stock something up


  • fill
  • pack
  • load
  • cram
  • freight
  • lade

phrase stock up with something


  • store (up)
  • lay in
  • hoard
  • save
  • gather
  • accumulate
  • amass
  • buy up
  • put away
  • replenish supplies of

phrase take stock


  • review the situation
  • weigh up
  • appraise
  • estimate
  • size up
  • see how the land lies

Synonyms for stock

noun a supply stored or hidden for future use


  • backlog
  • cache
  • hoard
  • inventory
  • nest egg
  • reserve
  • reservoir
  • stockpile
  • store
  • treasure
  • stash

noun a group of people sharing common ancestry


  • clan
  • family
  • house
  • kindred
  • lineage
  • tribe

noun one's ancestors or their character or one's ancestral derivation


  • ancestry
  • birth
  • blood
  • bloodline
  • descent
  • extraction
  • family
  • genealogy
  • line
  • lineage
  • origin
  • parentage
  • pedigree
  • seed

verb to have for sale


  • carry
  • keep

adj being of no special quality or type


  • average
  • common
  • commonplace
  • cut-and-dried
  • formulaic
  • garden
  • garden-variety
  • indifferent
  • mediocre
  • ordinary
  • plain
  • routine
  • run-of-the-mill
  • standard
  • undistinguished
  • unexceptional
  • unremarkable

Synonyms for stock

noun the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)

Related Words

  • common shares
  • common stock
  • ordinary shares
  • no-par stock
  • no-par-value stock
  • preference shares
  • preferred shares
  • preferred stock
  • float
  • common stock equivalent
  • control stock
  • growth stock
  • hot issue
  • hot stock
  • share
  • authorized shares
  • authorized stock
  • capital stock
  • quarter stock
  • capital
  • working capital
  • reacquired stock
  • treasury shares
  • treasury stock
  • voting stock
  • watered stock

noun the merchandise that a shop has on hand


  • inventory

Related Words

  • merchandise
  • product
  • ware

noun the handle of a handgun or the butt end of a rifle or shotgun or part of the support of a machine gun or artillery gun


  • gunstock

Related Words

  • artillery
  • heavy weapon
  • ordnance
  • gun
  • handgrip
  • handle
  • grip
  • hold
  • machine gun
  • handgun
  • pistol
  • shooting iron
  • side arm
  • pistol grip
  • support

noun a certificate documenting the shareholder's ownership in the corporation


  • stock certificate

Related Words

  • share
  • certificate
  • security

noun a supply of something available for future use


  • fund
  • store

Related Words

  • infrastructure
  • base
  • accumulation
  • hoard
  • stash
  • cache
  • provision
  • government issue
  • military issue
  • issue
  • seed stock

noun the descendants of one individual


  • blood line
  • bloodline
  • ancestry
  • lineage
  • pedigree
  • stemma
  • line of descent
  • parentage
  • blood
  • origin
  • descent
  • line

Related Words

  • kinfolk
  • kinsfolk
  • phratry
  • family line
  • sept
  • folk
  • family
  • side
  • family tree
  • genealogy

noun a special variety of domesticated animals within a species


  • breed
  • strain

Related Words

  • animal group
  • variety
  • bloodstock
  • pedigree
  • species

noun liquid in which meat and vegetables are simmered


  • broth

Related Words

  • soup
  • pot likker
  • pot liquor
  • liquor
  • beef broth
  • beef stock
  • chicken broth
  • chicken stock
  • stock cube

noun the reputation and popularity a person has

Related Words

  • reputation
  • repute

noun persistent thickened stem of a herbaceous perennial plant


  • caudex

Related Words

  • stalk
  • stem

noun a plant or stem onto which a graft is made

Related Words

  • plant part
  • plant structure
  • rootstock

noun any of several Old World plants cultivated for their brightly colored flowers


  • gillyflower

Related Words

  • flower
  • genus Matthiola
  • Matthiola
  • brompton stock
  • Matthiola incana

noun any of various ornamental flowering plants of the genus Malcolmia


  • Malcolm stock

Related Words

  • flower
  • genus Malcolmia
  • Malcolmia

noun lumber used in the construction of something

Related Words

  • lumber
  • timber

noun the handle end of some implements or tools

Related Words

  • bitstock
  • brace
  • butt
  • butt end
  • cue stick
  • pool cue
  • pool stick
  • cue
  • fishing pole
  • fishing rod
  • handgrip
  • handle
  • grip
  • hold
  • whip

noun an ornamental white cravat


  • neckcloth

Related Words

  • cravat

noun any animals kept for use or profit


  • farm animal
  • livestock

Related Words

  • eutherian
  • eutherian mammal
  • placental
  • placental mammal
  • carry

verb have on hand


  • stockpile
  • carry

Related Words

  • have
  • have got
  • hold

verb equip with a stock

Related Words

  • equip
  • fit out
  • outfit
  • fit

verb supply with fish

Related Words

  • animal husbandry
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render
  • stock

verb supply with livestock

Related Words

  • animal husbandry
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render
  • stock

verb amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use


  • buy in
  • stock up

Related Words

  • commerce
  • commercialism
  • mercantilism
  • overstock
  • understock
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render

verb provide or furnish with a stock of something

Related Words

  • plant
  • restock
  • furnish
  • provide
  • supply
  • render

verb put forth and grow sprouts or shoots


  • sprout

Related Words

  • acquire
  • develop
  • produce
  • grow
  • get

adj repeated too often


  • banal
  • hackneyed
  • old-hat
  • threadbare
  • timeworn
  • trite
  • well-worn
  • tired
  • shopworn
  • commonplace

Related Words

  • unoriginal

adj routine

Related Words

  • standard

adj regularly and widely used or sold


  • standard

Related Words

  • regular




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