Valerian Ivanovich Albanov

Al’banov, Valerian Ivanovich


Born 1881; died 1919. Navigator for the Russian Arctic expedition headed by G. L. Brusilov on the schooner Sv. Anna (1912–14).

In the spring of 1914, on Brusilov’s authorization, a group of 11 men headed by Al’banov left the icebound ship at 83° N lat. and 60° E long, and headed on foot toward Franz Josef Land. On August 2, the two surviving members of this march, Al’banov and the sailor Aleksandr Konrad, were picked up on Cape Flora by the expedition of G. Ia. Sedov. The Brusilov expedition vanished, but Al’banov preserved and delivered the only document of it in the form of notes from the ship’s log.


[Al’banov, V. I.] Podvig shturmana V. I. AL’banova. Moscow, 1954.