Valentin Nagorskii
Nagorskii, Valentin Fedoseevich
Born July 29 (Aug. 10), 1845, in Kineshma; died Mar. 29 (Apr. 11), 1912, in St. Petersburg. Russian epizootiologist; one of the organizers of veterinary practice in Russia. Doctor of medicine (1880).
Nagorskii completed courses of study in the veterinary (1868) and medical (1872) departments of the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1883 he organized the first veterinary bureau in Russia under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Provincial Board. Between 1905 and 1912 he was head of the Veterinary Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Nagorskii was the first to draw up veterinary legislation; he worked out rules for compulsory livestock insurance and a decree on the organization and maintenance of slaughterhouses. He attended the International Veterinary Congresses of 1899, 1905, and 1909 and was an organizer of the First and Second All-Russian Congresses of Veterinarians (1903 and 1910).
Opyt epizootologii, kak ucheniia o prichinakh i protsesse massovogo razvitiia zaraznykh boleznei domashnikh zhivotnykh: Preduprezhdenie epizootii i bor’ba s nimi. St. Petersburg, 1902.Osnovnye prinlsipy i usloviia bor’by s epizootiiami. St. Petersburg, 1904.
“V. F. Nagorskii” (obituary). Vestnik obshchestvennoi veterinarii, 1912, no. 7. Pages 367–70.Kalugin, V. I. ”V. F. Nagorskii (1845–1912)—vydaiushchiisia uchenyi i organizator russkoi veterinarii,” Veterinariia, 1955, no. 9.