reservoir host


 [hōst] 1. an animal or plant that harbors and provides sustenance for another organism (the parasite).2. the recipient of an organ or other tissue derived from another organism (the donor).accidental host one that accidentally harbors an organism that is not ordinarily parasitic in the particular species.definitive host (final host) a host in which a parasite attains sexual maturity.intermediate host a host in which a parasite passes one or more of its asexual stages; usually designated first and second, if there is more than one.paratenic host a potential or substitute intermediate host that serves until the appropriate definitive host is reached, and in which no development of the parasite occurs; it may or may not be necessary to the completion of the parasite's life of predilection the host preferred by a parasite.primary host definitive host.reservoir host an animal (or species) that is infected by a parasite, and which serves as a source of infection for humans or another species.secondary host intermediate host.transfer host one that is used until the appropriate definitive host is reached, but is not necessary to completion of the life cycle of the parasite.

res·er·voir host

the host of an infection in which the infectious agent multiplies and/or develops, and on which the agent depends for survival in nature; the host essential for the maintenance of the infection during times when active transmission is not occurring.

res·er·voir host

(rez'ĕr-vwahr hōst) The host of an infection in which the infectious agent multiplies and develops, and on which the agent is dependent for survival in nature.