Shtromberg, Aleksandr
Shtromberg, Aleksandr Pavlovich
Born Sept. 5 (17), 1854; died Oct. 10 (22), 1884. Revolutionary and member of the People’s Will; naval lieutenant; baron.
Shtromberg graduated from the St. Petersburg Naval School in 1875 and served in the Baltic Sea and the Pacific Ocean. In 1880 he helped organize a revolutionary circle of sailors at Kronstadt, and, together with A. I. Zheliabov, N. N. Kolodkevich, N. M. Rogachev, and N. E. Sukhanov, he directed the Central Military Organization of the People’s Will.
In late April 1881, Shtromberg was arrested. Because of insufficient evidence, his sentence was merely exile to Verkho-lensk. Betrayed by S. P. Degaev in 1883, he was recalled from exile and sentenced to death in the Trial of the 14. Shtromberg and Rogachev were hanged at Shlissel’burg Fortress.
Ashenbrenner, M. Iu. Voennaia organizatsiia “Narodnoi voli” i drugie vospominaniia (1860–1904gg.). Moscow, 1924.Serebriakov, E. A. Revoliutsionery voflote. Petrograd, 1919.
Selivanov, V. I. Moriaki-narodovol’tsy, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1931.