pulsion diverticulum


 [di″ver-tik´u-lum] (pl. diverti´cula) (L.) a circumscribed pouch or sac occurring normally or created by herniation of the lining mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of a tubular organ. See illustration.Intestinal diverticula. From Dorland's, 2000.ileal diverticulum Meckel's diverticulum.intestinal diverticulum a pouch or sac formed by hernial protrusion of the mucous membrane through a defect in the muscular coat of the intestine.Meckel's diverticulum an occasional sacculation or appendage of the ileum, derived from an unobliterated yolk stalk.pressure diverticulum (pulsion diverticulum) a sac or pouch formed by hernial protrusion of the mucous membrane through the muscular coat of the esophagus or colon as a result of pressure from within.traction diverticulum a localized distortion, angulation, or funnel-shaped bulging of the esophageal wall, due to adhesions resulting from an external lesion.

pul·sion di·ver·tic·u·lum

a diverticulum formed by pressure from within, frequently causing herniation of mucosa through the muscularis.

pul·sion di·ver·tic·u·lum

(pŭl'shŭn dī'vĕr-tik'yū-lŭm) A pouch formed by pressure from within, frequently causing herniation of mucosa through the muscularis.