Acronym | Definition |
SBB➣Steel Business Briefing (London, UK) |
SBB➣San Bernardino (Amtrak bus station code; San Bernardino, CA) |
SBB➣Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (Swiss Railway) |
SBB➣Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil (Portugese: Bible Society of Brazil) |
SBB➣Sports by Brooks (sports webblog) |
SBB➣Shared Buffer Block |
SBB➣Storage Building Block |
SBB➣Super Broadband |
SBB➣Service Building Block |
SBB➣Swift Broadband |
SBB➣SwiftBroadBand (Inmarsat high-speed satellite internet service) |
SBB➣Share Buy-Back |
SBB➣Serbia Broadband (cable TV and broadband internet company) |
SBB➣Solution Building Block |
SBB➣Subtract with Borrow |
SBB➣School-Based Budgeting |
SBB➣Small Business Bookkeeping |
SBB➣Southern Bank Berhad |
SBB➣System Building Block |
SBB➣Storage Bridge Bay Working Group (also seen as SBBWG; Redwood City, CA) |
SBB➣Solid Bleached Board (packaging) |
SBB➣Save Barnegat Bay (Lavallette, NJ) |
SBB➣Soggy Bottom Boys |
SBB➣Saudi British Bank |
SBB➣Storage Building Block (Compaq, disk drives) |
SBB➣Service Building Block (SUN Java) |
SBB➣Structural Biology Biophysics (various schools) |
SBB➣Small Business Board (various locations) |
SBB➣Small Business Beanstalk (Columbus, OH) |
SBB➣Server Base Build (US Navy) |
SBB➣Synthetic Battle Bridge |
SBB➣Social Business Bank (est. 2010) |
SBB➣Smart Buffer Box |
SBB➣Stochastic Bounded Burstiness |
SBB➣South Bay Birders |
SBB➣Stonewall Brigade Band (Staunton, VA) |
SBB➣Satellite Busy Box |
SBB➣Super Broad Band |
SBB➣Storeless Basic Block |
SBB➣Supplied by Bidder |
SBB➣Sons of Big Boss (gaming) |
SBB➣Single Block and Bleed (valve) |
SBB➣Slate Belt Band (Pennsylvania) |
SBB➣Sociedad Botánica do Brasil (Botanical Society of Brazil) |
SBB➣Structured Building Block |
SBB➣South Bethany Beach (Delaware) |