

单词 sb


bring (someone) in from the cold

To allow someone to join or participate in a group from which they were previously excluded; to accept someone into a certain social setting. A relatively unknown director for most of her career, her work with the A-list celebrity garnered the attention of a major Hollywood studio and finally brought her in from the cold. The company finally brought its striking workers in from the cold after months of intense negotiations.See also: bring, cold

hold (someone) in good stead

Especially of a talent, ability, or experience, to prove particularly useful or beneficial to someone in the future. Janet is hoping her internship working in IT will hold her in good stead when she looks for a job after college.See also: good, hold, stead

fortune is smiling (up)on (someone)

Someone is especially lucky, fortunate, or successful; good things tend to happen to someone. I hear that Jenny just won some major award, so soon after her huge promotion. It seems that fortune is smiling on her at the moment! Fortune has been smiling upon my younger brother since he was little: things have just always worked out for the best for him.See also: fortune, smile

fortune smiles (up)on someone

Someone is especially lucky, fortunate, or successful; good things tend to happen to someone. I hear that Jenny just won some major award, so soon after her huge promotion. It seems that fortune smiles on her at the moment! If you're going into business for yourself, just remember that fortune smiles upon those who are willing to take risks.See also: fortune, smile, someone

do justice to (someone or something)

1. To describe or show someone or something accurately. Often used in the negative to emphasize that something is better than it appeared or was portrayed. I think you two will love this house once we get inside—the pictures really don't do justice to its mid-century modern charm.2. To eat or drink in large quantities. I think you bought too much soda—there's no way the party guests will do justice to all of that.3. To give something the amount of care and consideration it warrants. I don't have enough of a vocal range to do justice to that beautiful song.See also: justice

fall (a)foul of (someone or something)

To become disliked or to come in conflict with someone or something due to one's actions, often resulting in further trouble or conflict. Since you're new here, be careful not to fall afoul of Bill—he'll keep you off of every case if he's mad at you. I fell foul of the committee, and now I'm not sure how to improve my reputation. Ted fell afoul of the law when he was still a kid, and he's been in and out of jail ever since.See also: fall, of

the joke's on (one)

1. One is experiencing or will experience a negative outcome, particularly one that was intended for someone else. The phrase typically refers to a practical joke or malicious act that has backfired. Greg set up this bucket of water to fall on me, but the joke's on him now—I rigged it up over his bedroom door. He thought he could steal my job by telling the boss terrible things about me, but the joke's on him—he's getting fired for misuse of company time.2. One seems silly or foolish. Well, the joke's on me because I spent so much time perfecting our itinerary that I forgot to put gas in my car before the trip.See also: on

in the name of (someone or something)

1. Based on the authority of someone or something. We proclaim these things in the name of God. In the name of King John, I command you to halt.2. With someone or something as a basis, reason, or motivation. They're releasing the documents in the name of transparency, but I don't think anyone is really interested in them. How many people have been killed in the name of religion?3. Belonging to someone. According to the deed, this property is still in the name of your father.See also: name, of

so much for (someone or something)

Someone or something is no longer relevant, feasible, or worth consideration. A: "The mechanic said the entire engine needs to be replaced." B: "Well, so much for our road trip." The new CEO lasted less than a week before he was fired for improper conduct. So much for him.See also: much

stand (one) in good stead

Especially of a talent, ability, or experience, to prove particularly useful or beneficial to one in the future. Janet is hoping her internship working in IT will stand her in good stead when she looks for a job after college.See also: good, stand, stead

be a/the poor man's (someone or something)

To be an inferior substitute for the actual or genuine person or thing. That local artist is the poor man's Jackson Pollack—to everyone in town, at least. I was happy with my new car, even though my friends think it's just a poor man's Jaguar.See also: poor

be (one's) (own) lookout

To be a problem or difficulty that one has caused oneself. Primarily heard in UK. If you stay up till 3 AM, it's your own lookout if you sleep through your alarm.See also: lookout

now for (someone or something)

Used to indicate that attention will now be focused on someone or something. And that's all our headline stories for tonight. Now for Janet Morgan with sports. Thank you for that wonderful performance. Now for something a bit different.See also: now

poor old

Describing someone or something that one feels sympathy, pity, or compassion for. Poor old Robert was let go from another job. He just can't catch a break. Are we nearly there? My poor old feet are killing me!See also: old, poor

stand (one) to (something)

To treat one to or provide the money necessary for something. The company is standing me to a business degree, with the expectation that I take on more responsibilities after it is completed. I felt bad for the guy, so I offered to stand him to a drink.See also: stand

fall foul of ˈsb/ˈsth

do something which gets you into trouble with somebody/something: They fell foul of the law by not paying their taxes.Try not to fall foul of Mr. Jones. He can be very unpleasant.See also: fall, foul, of, Sb, sth

the joke’s on ˈsb

(informal) used to say that somebody who tried to make another person look ridiculous now looks ridiculous insteadSee also: on, Sb

do justice to ˈsb/ˈsth


ˌdo somebody/something ˈjustice

say or do something which shows that you know or recognize the true value of somebody/something; show the true value of something: They were not hungry and couldn’t do justice to her excellent cooking.This picture doesn’t do him justice; he’s much better-looking in real life.See also: justice, Sb, sth

be ˈsb’s (own) lookout

(British English, informal) be somebody’s problem because they are responsible for causing it: If he wants to invest all his money in one company, that’s his lookout.It’s my own lookout if I fail this exam.See also: lookout

ˌso much for ˈsb/ˈsth

1 used to show that you have finished talking about something: So much for the situation in the Far East. Now let’s turn our attention to South America.
2 used to suggest that something has not been useful or successful: She gave the job to the other manager. So much for all her promises to me.See also: much, Sb, sth

in the name of ˈsb/ˈsth


in somebody’s/something’s ˈname

1 using the authority of somebody/something; as a representative of somebody/something: I arrest you in the name of the law.
2 used to give a reason or an excuse for doing something, often when what you are doing is wrong: new laws introduced in the name of national security
3 for somebody; showing that something officially belongs to somebody: The reservation was made in the name of Brown.The car is registered in my name.See also: name, of, Sb, sth

now for ˈsb/ˈsth

used when turning to a fresh activity or subject: And now for some travel news.See also: now, Sb, sth

be a/the ˌpoor man’s ˈsb/ˈsth

be a person or thing that is similar to but of a lower quality than a particular famous person or thing: Try some of this sparkling white wine — the poor man’s champagne.See also: poor, Sb, sth

ˌpoor old ˈsb/ˈsth

(informal) used to express sympathy: Poor old Mrs Kirk’s just gone into hospital again.She sat down to rest her poor old legs.See also: old, poor, Sb, sth



symbol for the element antimonyantimony
[Lat. antimoneum], semimetallic chemical element; symbol Sb [Lat. stibium,=a mark]; at. no. 51; at. wt. 121.760; m.p. 630.74&degC;; b.p. 1,750&degC;; sp. gr. (metallic form) 6.69 at 20&degC;; valence 0, +3, −3, or +5.
..... Click the link for more information.


(optics) stilb


(chemistry) antimony


A unit of luminance equal to 1 candela per sq cm. Abbr. sb. The use of this term is deprecated.


(networking)The country code for the Solomon Islands.



 antimony (L. sti´bium).


Symbol for antimony.


Symbol for antimony



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for SOLOMON ISLANDS.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Solomon Islands. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Solomon Islander bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Solomon Islands. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the Solomon Islands. Each province and the capital territory has its own code with the prefix "SB." For example, the code for the Province of Isabel is ISO 3166-2:SB-IS.


SBSlow Blow (type of electric fuse)
SBSnapback (brand)
SBShould Be
SBSanta Barbara
SBSuper Bowl (US football championship game)
SBSmall Block (auto engine)
SBSmall Business
SBSymbols (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
SBSenate Bill (in state legislatures)
SBSound Blaster
SBService Bulletin
SBStolen Base (baseball)
SBSandy Bridge (Intel Corp.)
SBSouth Bend (Indiana)
SBSpring Break
SBSchool Bus
SBSubstitute (sports)
SBSilver Bullet (various meanings)
SBBachelor of Science
SBSeat Belt
SBSan Bernardino (California)
SBSouth Bay (California)
SBSit Back
SBStony Brook (SUNY)
SBSmall Blind (poker)
SBSrimad Bhagavatam (Puranic scripture)
SBSolomon Islands (ISO country code, top level domain)
SBSpongeBob (SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon character)
SBSaarbrücken (German city)
SBStructural Biology (various schools)
SBSupervisory Board (various companies)
SBStudent Body
SBAntimony (Stibium)
SBSeason Best (athletics scoring)
SBSunset Beach
SBSpina Bifida
SBSound Board
SBStarbucks (coffee shop)
SBSonic Boom
SBSuperBike (motorcycling)
SBSugar Baby
SBSystem Builder
SBSouth Beach (Miami, FL)
SBStrong Bad (Homestarrunner.com character)
SBShaw Brothers (Kung-Fu film producers)
SBSmithKline Beecham (UK)
SBSmash Bros (game)
SBSpybot (Search & Destroy)
SBSandra Bullock (actress)
SBSouthern Baptist
SBStarbase (gaming)
SBSt. Pierre & Miquelon
SBSouth Bridge
SBSandy Beach (Camp Yawgoog, BSA)
SBStudent Book
SBSecurity Breach
SBSkate Boarding
SBSmall Bowel
SBSengoku Basara (video game)
SBSoftware Business
SBStar Bulletin (Honolulu newspaper)
SBService Bureau
SBSouthwestern Bell (telephone)
SBSmall Boat
SBShadowbane (online game)
SBSuper Balance
SBSpace Bar
SBShoot Boxing (Japan)
SBSarah Brightman (musician)
SBSo Bored
SBSkybox (cards)
SBSunset Boulevard (movie)
SBSkyBlade (gaming)
SBSlow Burn
SBSexy Beast (TV show)
SBSpecial Branch (Met Police, London)
SBSouth Bound
SBShipping Bill (various organizations)
SBSpeed Brake
SBSex Bomb
SBSexy Beach (game)
SBSide Band
SBSirius Black (Harry Potter)
SBSelbstbedienung (German: self service)
SBSodium Benzoate
SBSpoiled Brat
SBSONICblue (electronics company)
SBStealth Bomber
SBSpaceballs (Mel Brooks movie)
SBSymphonic Band
SBSonic Battle (game)
SBSyndicate Bank (India)
SBSupply Bulletin
SBStibium (Antimony)
SBSoft Ball
SBSmoke Break
SBSelf-Booting (CD)
SBSuperintendencia de Bancos (Spanish)
SBSuperBrawl (World Championship Wrestling event)
SBSustainment Brigade (US Army)
SBSerum Bilirubin
SBSistema Bancario (Guatemala)
SBSangguniang Bayan
SBSick Bay (military)
SBStrictly Business
SBSelection Board
SBSmart Bomb
SBSinus Bradycardia
SBStilb (CGS unit)
SBStock Book (philately)
SBStar Base (Star Trek)
SBSin Banderas (musical group)
SBShot Blocked (basketball)
SBSawyer Brown (country music artist)
SBSession Bean (Enterprise JavaBean)
SBSpousal Benefit
SBSurface Barrier
SBStem Borer
SBService Battalion
SBSystem Busy (Nortel)
SBStatus Board
SBSeventeen or Bust (distributed computing project)
SBSecondary Branches
SBSpirit Breaker (Dota Hero, game)
SBSafe Berth
SBSurface Burning
SBSecurity Blankets
SBSauble Beach (Ontario, Canada)
SBSoul Blazer (gaming)
SBStraight Bond
SBStarBattle (gaming)
SBStill Birth
SBStrong Base Ion Exchange
SBStatBar (website)
SBSurveillant de Baignade (French: Lifeguard)
SBSociété de Biologie (French: Biology Society)
SBShotgun Blues (Guns N' Roses song)
SBSquirrel Bait (band)
SBSort Buffer
SBSinai Beach (band)
SBSimultaneous Broadcast
SBSalary Band
SBStand Bold
SBSalcobrand (pharmacy; Chile)
SBSync Byte (ITU-T)
SBSurface Burst
SBSignal Battery
SBShiny Beast (band)
SBSerene Byte
SBStinger Basic (US DoD)
SBStandard Babylonian
SBSequence Breaking (video games)
SBSuggested Bid
SBSouth Buffalo Railway Company
SBSweater Boy
SBScleral Buckling Procedure (ophthalmology)
SBSentinel Byte
SBSurety Bong (criminal justice)
SBStandby Base
SBSuper Byte
SBSphere Bound
SBSmile Brigade (band)
SBAir Caledonie International, New Caledonia (IATA airline code)
SBSteelbeak (Disney Character)
SBScotia Band (Scotia, CA)
SBSeventh Barrier (gaming clan)
SBSonic Bilby
SBSeva Bharati (Orissa, India)
SBSolarbotics Ltd. (robot company)
SBSymmetry Braking
SBSveskeBanden (Danish online gaming league)
SBSkip Briefing (gaming)
SBShippensburg Band (Shippensburg, PA)
SBSide Bend/ing
SBSpanish Booster (language services)
SBSteve Biko/Bantu (symbol of black resistance to the Apartheid regime)
SBShort Along Bit Lines
SBSynchronizing Busbar
SBSummerfest Boyz
SBSea-Based Strategic Warfare
SBStamford Baffles
SBSpam Breaker


Words starting with sb:

  • SB
  • SB LAG 40
  • SB Nation Radio
  • SB&B
  • SB(BCP)
  • SB-EDR
  • sb.
  • SB16
  • SB2C Helldiver
  • SB3
  • SBA 504 Loan
  • SBAA
  • SBAD
  • SBAF
  • SBAH
  • SBAJ
  • Sbarro restaurant massacre
  • SBB
  • SBB-CFF-FFS RABDe 12/12
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Re 420
  • SBBC
  • SBBF
  • SBBK
  • SBBN
  • Sbirri
  • SBU
  • SB 1386
  • SB Latex Council
  • SB Nordlandsbuss
  • SB&CR
  • SB-33 mine
  • SB-IU
  • SB/SE
  • SB2
  • SB2K
  • SB4
  • SBA Administrator
  • SBAC
  • SBAK
  • SBAM
  • SBAN
  • SBAO
  • Sbârcioara River
  • Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing
  • SBAV
  • SBB (band)
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Ae 6/6
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Re 460
  • SBBD
  • SBBG
  • SBBI
  • SBBL
  • Sbbo
  • SbE
  • Sbirro
  • Sburol
  • SB Advertising & Events
  • SB Line
  • SB rubber
  • SB&K
  • SB-649868
  • SB-MVE
  • Sb0
  • SB20
  • SB2M
  • Sb4O6
  • SBA Airlines
  • SBAB
  • SBAI
  • SBAL
  • SBAR
  • Sbarro
  • SBAS
  • SBAW
  • SBB Cargo
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Am 4/6 1101
  • SBB-CFF-FFS RABDe 8/16
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Re 620
  • SBBE
  • SBBI10
  • SBBM
  • SBE (disambiguation)
  • SBK
  • SBV Vitesse
  • SB AWE32
  • SB Line (Norfolk Southern)
  • SB SP
  • sb's heart's desire
  • SB-81 mine
  • SB-PER
  • SB1
  • SB2A Buccaneer
  • Sb2O5
  • SB649868
  • SBA Automated Trade Locator Assistance System
  • SBAE
  • SBAG
  • Sbarro (automobile)
  • Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina
  • SBB&M
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Am 841
  • SBB-CFF-FFS RBDe 560
  • SBBA
  • SBBI88
  • Sbh3
  • SBS
  • SBV Vitesse Arnhem
  • SB Creative
  • SB Nation
  • Sb spiral galaxy
  • sb's hearts desire
  • SB-Prolog
  • SB1394
  • SB2C
  • SB2U Vindicator
  • SBA
  • SBA-96
  • Sbaitso
  • SBAP
  • Sbaralea
  • Sbarro Health Research Organization
  • SBAU
  • SBB&T
  • SBB-CFF-FFS Class Am841
  • SBB-CFF-FFS RBe 540
  • SBBB
  • SBBH
  • SBBJ
  • SBI.
  • SBS (disambiguation)
  • SbW


  • noun

Synonyms for Sb

noun a metallic element having four allotropic forms


  • antimony
  • atomic number 51

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element
  • stibnite

noun a bachelor's degree in science


  • Bachelor of Science
  • BS

Related Words

  • bachelor's degree
  • baccalaureate




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