

单词 reserve



R0173500 (rĭ-zûrv′)tr.v. re·served, re·serv·ing, re·serves 1. To keep back, as for future use or for a special purpose: The hospital reserves certain drugs for the most serious cases.2. To set or cause to be set apart for a particular person or use: reserved a seat on the next flight out. See Synonyms at book1.3. To keep or secure for oneself; retain: I reserve the right to disagree. See Synonyms at keep.n.1. a. Something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose: a runner with a reserve of energy for the final lap.b. An amount of capital that is not invested or otherwise used in order to meet probable demands, such as withdrawals by bank depositors or claims on insurance policies.2. a. Lack of enthusiasm, as from a misgiving or doubt: supported the idea without reserve.b. Self-restraint in expression or bearing; reticence or coolness: maintained a dignified reserve throughout the ceremony.3. A reservation of public land: a forest reserve.4. An amount of a mineral, fossil fuel, or other resource known to exist in a particular location and to be exploitable: the discovery of large oil reserves.5. a. A fighting force kept uncommitted until strategic need arises.b. The part of a country's armed forces not on active duty but subject to call in an emergency.c. A member of either of these forces: the army's active reserves.6. Sports a. A group of players that play only as substitutes for starters in games or are kept from playing for some reason.b. One of these players.adj. Held in or forming a reserve: a reserve supply of food.Idiom: in reserve Kept back, set aside, or saved.
[Middle English reserven, from Old French reserver, from Latin reservāre, to keep back : re-, re- + servāre, to keep; see ser- in Indo-European roots.]
re·serv′a·ble adj.re·serv′er n.


(rɪˈzɜːv) vb (tr) 1. to keep back or set aside, esp for future use or contingency; withhold2. to keep for oneself; retain: I reserve the right to question these men later. 3. to obtain or secure by advance arrangement: I have reserved two tickets for tonight's show. 4. (Law) to delay delivery of (a judgment), esp in order to allow time for full consideration of the issues involvedn5. a. something kept back or set aside, esp for future use or contingencyb. (as modifier): a reserve stock. 6. the state or condition of being reserved: I have plenty in reserve. 7. (Environmental Science) a tract of land set aside for the protection and conservation of wild animals, flowers, etc: a nature reserve. 8. Also called: reservation Canadian an area of land set aside, esp (in the US and Canada) for American or Canadian Indian peoples9. Austral and NZ an area of publicly owned land set aside for sport, recreation, etc10. the act of reserving; reservation11. (General Sporting Terms) a member of a team who only plays if a playing member drops out; a substitute12. (Military) (often plural) a. a part of an army or formation not committed to immediate action in a military engagementb. that part of a nation's armed services not in active service13. coolness or formality of manner; restraint, silence, or reticence14. (Banking & Finance) finance a. a portion of capital not invested (a capital reserve) or a portion of profits not distributed (a revenue or general reserve) by a bank or business enterprise and held to meet legal requirements, future liabilities, or contingenciesb. (often plural) liquid assets held by an organization, government, etc, to meet expenses and liabilities15. without reserve without reservations; fully; wholeheartedly[C14: from Old French reserver, from Latin reservāre to save up, from re- + servāre to keep] reˈservable adj reˈserver n



v. -served, -serv•ing,
n., adj. v.t. 1. to keep back or save for future use. 2. to retain or secure by prior arrangement. 3. to set apart for a particular use. 4. to delay; postpone: to reserve judgment. 5. to retain (the original color) of a surface, as on a painted ceramic piece. n. 6. a. cash, or assets readily convertible into cash, held aside to meet unexpected demands. b. uninvested cash held to comply with legal requirements. 7. something stored for use or need; stock: a reserve of food. 8. a resource not normally called upon but available if needed. 9. a. a tract of public land set apart for a special purpose: a forest reserve. b. Canadian. such land set apart for the use of First Nations. 10. an act of reserving; reservation, exception, or qualification. 11. a. part of a military force held in readiness to augment the main force. b. the part of a country's fighting force not in active service. c. reserves, the enrolled but not regular components of the U.S. Army. 12. formality and self-restraint; avoidance of familiarity or intimacy with others. 13. reticence or silence; forebearance. adj. 14. kept in reserve; forming a reserve. Idioms: 1. in reserve, put aside or withheld for a future need; reserved: money in reserve. 2. without reserve, without restraint; frankly; freely. [1325–75; (v.) < Middle French reserver < Latin reservāre to keep back =re- re- + servāre to save] re•serv′a•ble, adj. syn: See keep.


1. Portion of a body of troops that is kept to the rear, or withheld from action at the beginning of an engagement, in order to be available for a decisive movement.
2. Members of the Military Services who are not in active service but who are subject to call to active duty.
3. Portion of an appropriation or contract authorization held or set aside for future operations or contingencies and, in respect to which, administrative authorization to incur commitments or obligations has been withheld. See also operational reserve; reserve supplies.




  1. Animated as a department store mannequin —Anon
  2. Apathy dropped from her like a garment —Edna Ferber
  3. As excited as a mortician at a cheap funeral —Raymond Chandler
  4. As much feeling as a sphinx —Maureen Dowd, New York Times, 1985
  5. (My father was) born without emotions like some people are born without little fingers —Pat Conroy
  6. Buries her feelings as a dog buries a bone —Anon
  7. Closed himself like a shellfish under attack —Kenzaburo Oe
  8. Detached as a funeral director —Stanley Elkin
  9. Detach oneself [as from a situation] like a zipout lining —Anon
  10. (The sun is as) dispassionate as the hand of a man who greets you with his mind on other things —Beryl Markham
  11. Drew a circle around herself, like the safe zone in a children’s game where no pursuers may enter and no prisoners may leave —David Michael Kaplan
  12. (I could) feel the armor, like a steel skin, slipping around me —William Diehl
  13. The habit of reserve was like an iron mould —Ellen Glasgow See Also: HABIT
  14. Keep them [emotions] tucked away, and only produce them very occasionally, like special little pots of jam, when the people whom I love come to tea —Katherine Mansfield
  15. Like a toothpaste … gave only a little at a time —Donald Seaman
  16. Lived inside herself as precisely as a walnut in its shell, nothing rattling, nothing wasting —Jessamyn West
  17. (She had withdrawn into herself and) no longer projected anything, like an actor reaching the wings, the character falling like a cape to reveal the person beneath, innocuous —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  18. Numb as a broomstick —William Alfred
  19. Persons extremely reserved are like old enamelled watches, which had painted covers that hindered your seeing what o’clock it was —Horace Walpole
  20. A prudent reserve [about being open with other people] is as necessary as a seeming openness is prudent —Lord Chesterfield
  21. Retreated into himself like a turtle —Carlos Fuentes
  22. She was reserved … like a picture so hung that it can be seen only at a certain angle; an angle known to no one but its possessor —Edith Wharton
  23. Shrunk into herself as though she had been touched by something coarse —Anton Chekhov
  24. Sit inside themselves like honey in a jar and just be —Elizabeth Janeway
  25. Spiritless as corked champagne —James G. Huneker
  26. Taught herself to control feelings … the way an Indian fakir controls pain —Shana Alexander


Past participle: reserved
Gerund: reserving
I reserve
you reserve
he/she/it reserves
we reserve
you reserve
they reserve
I reserved
you reserved
he/she/it reserved
we reserved
you reserved
they reserved
Present Continuous
I am reserving
you are reserving
he/she/it is reserving
we are reserving
you are reserving
they are reserving
Present Perfect
I have reserved
you have reserved
he/she/it has reserved
we have reserved
you have reserved
they have reserved
Past Continuous
I was reserving
you were reserving
he/she/it was reserving
we were reserving
you were reserving
they were reserving
Past Perfect
I had reserved
you had reserved
he/she/it had reserved
we had reserved
you had reserved
they had reserved
I will reserve
you will reserve
he/she/it will reserve
we will reserve
you will reserve
they will reserve
Future Perfect
I will have reserved
you will have reserved
he/she/it will have reserved
we will have reserved
you will have reserved
they will have reserved
Future Continuous
I will be reserving
you will be reserving
he/she/it will be reserving
we will be reserving
you will be reserving
they will be reserving
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been reserving
you have been reserving
he/she/it has been reserving
we have been reserving
you have been reserving
they have been reserving
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been reserving
you will have been reserving
he/she/it will have been reserving
we will have been reserving
you will have been reserving
they will have been reserving
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been reserving
you had been reserving
he/she/it had been reserving
we had been reserving
you had been reserving
they had been reserving
I would reserve
you would reserve
he/she/it would reserve
we would reserve
you would reserve
they would reserve
Past Conditional
I would have reserved
you would have reserved
he/she/it would have reserved
we would have reserved
you would have reserved
they would have reserved
Noun1.reserve - formality and propriety of mannerreserve - formality and propriety of manner modestycorrectitude, properness, propriety - correct or appropriate behaviordemureness - the trait of behaving with reserve and decorum
2.reserve - something kept back or saved for future use or a special purposereserve - something kept back or saved for future use or a special purposestockpile, backlogaccumulation - (finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporationbank - a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies)fuel level - the amount of fuel remainingreserve account, reserve fund - funds taken out of earnings to provide for anticipated future payments
3.reserve - an athlete who plays only when a starter on the team is replacedsecond-stringer, substitutebench - the reserve players on a team; "our team has a strong bench"athlete, jock - a person trained to compete in sportsbench warmer - (sports) a substitute who seldom playspinch hitter - (baseball) a substitute for the regular batter
4.reserve - (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functionsmedical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniquesindefinite quantity - an estimated quantitypulmonary reserve - the additional volume of air that the lungs can inhale and exhale when breathing to the limit of capacity in times of stress
5.reserve - a district that is reserved for particular purposereserve - a district that is reserved for particular purposereservationadministrative district, administrative division, territorial division - a district defined for administrative purposesIndian reservation - a reservation set aside for the use of Indianspreserve - a reservation where animals are protected
6.reserve - armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergencyreserve - armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergencymilitary reservearmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"reservist - a member of a military reserve
7.reserve - the trait of being uncommunicative; not volunteering anything more than necessaryreticence, taciturnityuncommunicativeness - the trait of being uncommunicative
Verb1.reserve - hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency; "they held back their applause in anticipation"withhold, keep back - hold back; refuse to hand over or share; "The father is withholding the allowance until the son cleans his room"devote - set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use; "this land was devoted to mining"
2.reserve - give or assign a resource to a particular person or causereserve - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day"appropriate, earmark, set aside, allowallot, portion, assign - give out; "We were assigned new uniforms"
3.reserve - obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's"call for, request, bespeak, quest - express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"book up - book all available places or ticketsbook, reserve, hold - arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxim's"
4.reserve - arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxim's"book, holdcall for, request, bespeak, quest - express the need or desire for; ask for; "She requested an extra bed in her room"; "She called for room service"reserve - obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance; "We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's"hold open, keep open, save, keep - retain rights to; "keep my job for me while I give birth"; "keep my seat, please"; "keep open the possibility of a merger"


verb1. book, arrange in advance, make a reservation for, prearrange, pre-engage, engage, bespeak I'll reserve a table for five.2. put by, keep, hold, save, secure, retain, set aside, hold back, put aside, lay aside Ask your newsagent to reserve your copy today.3. keep, hold, save, husband, store, retain, preserve, set aside, withhold, hang on to, conserve, stockpile, hoard, lay up, put by, keep back Strain and reserve the cooking liquor.4. delay, postpone, withhold, put off, defer, keep back The Court has reserved its judgement.noun1. store, fund, savings, stock, capital, supply, reservoir, fall-back, stockpile, hoard, backlog, cache The country's reserves of petrol are running very low.2. reservation, park, preserve, sanctuary, tract monkeys at the wildlife reserve3. shyness, silence, restraint, constraint, reluctance, formality, modesty, reticence, coolness, aloofness, secretiveness, taciturnity I hope you'll overcome your reserve.4. reservation, doubt, delay, uncertainty, hesitation, indecision, hesitancy, vacillation, irresolution, dubiety I committed myself without reserve5. (often plural) reinforcements, extras, auxiliary, backup a squadron leader in the RAF military reserveadjective1. substitute, extra, spare, secondary, alternative, fall-back, auxiliary You always have to have reserve players.in reserve in readiness, ready, spare, to hand, on hand, on call This is the vehicle kept in reserve.


verb1. To have and maintain in one's possession:hold, hold back, keep, keep back, retain, withhold.2. To cause to be set aside, as for one's use, in advance:bespeak, book, engage.noun1. A supply stored or hidden for future use:backlog, cache, hoard, inventory, nest egg, reservoir, stock, stockpile, store, treasure.Slang: stash.2. The keeping of one's thoughts and emotions to oneself:control, restraint, reticence, self-control, self-restraint, taciturnity, uncommunicativeness.3. Public land kept for a special purpose:preserve, reservation.adjectiveUsed or held in reserve:auxiliary, backup, emergency, secondary, standby, supplemental, supplementary.


(rəˈzəːv) verb1. to ask for or order to be kept for the use of a particular person, often oneself. The restaurant is busy on Saturdays, so I'll phone up today and reserve a table. 預訂 预定,订座 2. to keep for the use of a particular person or group of people, or for a particular use. These seats are reserved for the committee members. 保留 保留 noun1. something which is kept for later use or for use when needed. The farmer kept a reserve of food in case he was cut off by floods. 儲備 储备2. a piece of land used for a special purpose eg for the protection of animals. a wild-life reserve; a nature reserve. 保育區 保留地3. the habit of not saying very much, not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc; shyness. 沈默寡言,含蓄 沉默寡言4. (often in plural) soldiers, sailors etc who do not belong to the regular full-time army, navy etc but who are called into action when needed eg during a war. 後備軍 后备军,预备队 ˌreserˈvation (rezə-) noun1. the act of reserving. the reservation of a room. 預訂 预订,保留 2. something (eg a table in a restaurant) which has been reserved. Have you a reservation, Sir? 訂位,訂房 预订定 3. a doubt. 懷疑 怀疑4. a piece of land set aside for a particular purpose. an Indian reservation in the United States. 保留區 保留地reˈserved adjective not saying very much; not showing what one is feeling, thinking etc. a reserved manner. 沈默寡言的,含蓄的 沉默的,含蓄的 have/keep etc in reserve to have or keep (something) in case or until it is needed. If you go to America please keep some money in reserve for your fare home. 預留 战胜


保留zhCN, 储备zhCN, 自然保护区zhCN, 预订zhCN
  • We'd like to reserve two seats for tonight → 我们要预订今天晚上的两张票
  • Can I reserve a sleeper? → 我想要预订一张卧铺票
  • I want to reserve a sleeper to ... (US)
    I want to book a sleeper to ... (UK) → 我想要预定一张去...的卧铺票
  • I want to reserve a seat in a non-smoking compartment (US)
    I want to book a seat in a non-smoking compartment (UK) → 我想要预订一个非吸烟车厢的座位
  • I want to reserve a single room → 我想预订一间单人房
  • I want to reserve a double room → 我想预订一间双人房
  • I want to reserve a family room → 我想预订一间家庭房
  • I'd like to reserve a single room (US)
    I'd like to book a single room (UK) → 我想订一间单人房
  • I'd like to reserve a double room (US)
    I'd like to book a double room (UK) → 我想订一间双人房
  • I'd like to reserve a family room (US)
    I'd like to book a family room (UK) → 我想订一间家庭房
  • Could you reserve the tickets for us? (US)
    Can you book the tickets for us? (UK) → 可以为我们订票吗?
  • Do I need to reserve in advance? (US)
    Do I need to book in advance? (UK) → 我需要提前预订吗?
  • I'd like to reserve a table for three people for tonight (US)
    I'd like to book a table for three people for tonight (UK) → 我想预订今晚的三人餐桌
  • I'd like to reserve a table for two people for tomorrow night (US)
    I'd like to book a table for two people for tomorrow night (UK) → 我想预订明晚的两人餐桌
  • I'd like to reserve a table for four people for tonight at eight o'clock (US)
    I'd like to book a table for four people for tonight at eight o'clock (UK) → 我想预订今晚八点钟的四人餐桌


without reserve

Readily or candidly. Once the music starts at the reception, get your camera ready because Aunt Millie will be dancing without reserve! Thank you for speaking without reserve—that kind of honest feedback is exactly what we're looking for.See also: reserve, without

in reserve

Saved for future use; set aside. Most people would be shocked if they knew how much money the government has in reserve. I'm keeping those snacks in reserve for the road trip.See also: reserve

reserve (something) for (someone or something)

1. To set aside, keep back, or save something for someone, something, or some future point or event. You should always reserve some of your income for an emergency. Sorry, I'm reserving this seat for a friend. Be sure to reserve a cup of the pasta's cooking water for your sauce.2. To instruct or request for something to be set aside for someone, something, or some future point or event. I reserved a table for us at the restaurant tonight. We reserved the conference room for our meeting. I've reserved the bikes for the next three days.See also: reserve

hold (something) in reserve

To save something or set it aside for future use. Most people would be shocked if they knew how much money the government holds in reserve. I'm holding those snacks in reserve for the road trip.See also: hold, reserve

keep (something) in reserve

To save something or set it aside for future use. Most people would be shocked if they knew how much money the government keeps in reserve. I'm keeping those snacks in reserve for the road trip.See also: keep, reserve

hold someone or something in reserve and keep someone or something in reserve

Fig. to hold back someone or something for future needs. I am holding the frozen desserts in reserve, in case we run out of cake. We are holding Sharon in reserve. Keep a few good players in reserve.See also: and, hold, keep, reserve

reserve something for someone or something

to save or set aside something for someone or something. I am reserving this seat for Claire. We are reserving some of the cake for tomorrow.See also: reserve

in reserve

Kept back, set aside, or saved. For example, We have a fair amount of cash in reserve, or The coach decided to keep the best player in reserve until the last quarter. [Late 1600s] See also: reserve

in reˈserve

available to be used in the future or when needed: The money was being kept in reserve for their retirement.200 police officers were held in reserve.See also: reserve

in reserve

Kept back, set aside, or saved.See also: reserve



Ecology a tract of land set aside for the protection and conservation of wild animals, flowers, etc.



(Russian zapas, reserve of the armed forces), those persons listed on military service records who have already had their term of active military service or who have been deferred from service for various reasons but who are fit for service in wartime. In the USSR, according to the Law on Compulsory Military Service of Oct. 12, 1967, the reserve is divided into two categories. The first category is made up of persons who have had at least one year of active military service and of servicemen who have participated in combat in defense of the USSR regardless of length of service. The second category is made up of servicemen who have had less than one year of active military service and such persons who have not been called for active military service for various reasons. Both categories of the reserve are divided into three age groups; the first group, to age 35; the second group, to age 45; and the third group, to age 50. Privates, sergeants, and master sergeants are in the reserve until age 50 if they are men and until age 40 for women that are listed cm military service records; officers, generals, admirals, marshals of combat arm, and admirals of the fleet are in the reserve until age 50–65 depending on their military rank. The officer reserve is formed of officers, generals, and admirals who are discharged from active military service and are registered in the reserve; soldiers, sailors, sergeants, and master sergeants who receive the rank of officer at the time they are discharged into the reserve or while in the reserve; and persons who have undergone military training in a civilian educational institution. Persons subject to military service who are in the reserve are called up periodically for refresher training periods and may be called for inspection assemblies.



[ri′zərv] (computer science) To assign portions of a computer memory and of input/output and storage devices to a specific computer program in a multiprogramming system.



 [re-zerv´] 1. to hold back for future use.2. a supply beyond that ordinarily used, for use in an emergency.alkali reserve (alkaline reserve) see alkali reserve.cardiac reserve an increase in cardiac output related to an increase in heart rate or stroke volume to meet body requirements.


(rĕ-zĕrv'), Something available but held back for later use, as strength or carbohydrates. [L. re-servo, to keep back, reserve]


Physiology A capacity or capability to be used in an emergency. See Cardiac reserve, Coronary vasodilator reserve, Resistance reserve.


(rē-zĕrv') Something available but held back for later use. [L. re-servo, to keep back, reserve]


(rē-zĕrv') Something available but held back for later use.


Related to Reserve: military reserve, dictionary


Funds set aside to cover future expenses, losses, or claims. To retain; to keep in store for future or special use; to postpone to a future time.A legal reserve is a monetary account required by law to be established by insurance companies and banks as protection against losses.

A trial court reserves a point of law by setting it aside for future consideration and allowing the trial to proceed as if the question had been resolved, subject to alteration of the judgment in the event the court en banc decides the question differently.


v. to keep for oneself a right or a portion of the real property when transferring (conveying) a parcel of real estate to another. (See: reservation)



An accounting entry that properly reflects contingent liabilities.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Extra funds from sales, or another source, set aside in order to pay off bad debt if and when it arises. The allowance helps a company ward off any potential cash flow problems should its credit sales not be repaid as expected. On financial statements, it is important to note that an allowance for bad debts exists for fiscal conservatism and not because one expects a large amount of bad debt to accumulate. An allowance for doubtful accounts is also called a cushion. Banks call these funds the loan loss reserve. See also: Savings account.


1. See: Foreign exchange reserves.

2. See: Reserve for bad debt.


The funds that are earmarked by a firm from its retained earnings for future use, such as for the payment of likely-to-be-incurred bad debts. The existence of such a reserve informs readers of the firm's financial statements that at least a part of the retained earnings will not be available to the stockholders. See also allowance for doubtful accounts, reserve for contingencies.


Related to reserve: military reserve, dictionary
  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for reserve

verb book


  • book
  • arrange in advance
  • make a reservation for
  • prearrange
  • pre-engage
  • engage
  • bespeak

verb put by


  • put by
  • keep
  • hold
  • save
  • secure
  • retain
  • set aside
  • hold back
  • put aside
  • lay aside

verb keep


  • keep
  • hold
  • save
  • husband
  • store
  • retain
  • preserve
  • set aside
  • withhold
  • hang on to
  • conserve
  • stockpile
  • hoard
  • lay up
  • put by
  • keep back

verb delay


  • delay
  • postpone
  • withhold
  • put off
  • defer
  • keep back

noun store


  • store
  • fund
  • savings
  • stock
  • capital
  • supply
  • reservoir
  • fall-back
  • stockpile
  • hoard
  • backlog
  • cache

noun reservation


  • reservation
  • park
  • preserve
  • sanctuary
  • tract

noun shyness


  • shyness
  • silence
  • restraint
  • constraint
  • reluctance
  • formality
  • modesty
  • reticence
  • coolness
  • aloofness
  • secretiveness
  • taciturnity

noun reservation


  • reservation
  • doubt
  • delay
  • uncertainty
  • hesitation
  • indecision
  • hesitancy
  • vacillation
  • irresolution
  • dubiety

noun reinforcements


  • reinforcements
  • extras
  • auxiliary
  • backup

adj substitute


  • substitute
  • extra
  • spare
  • secondary
  • alternative
  • fall-back
  • auxiliary

phrase in reserve


  • in readiness
  • ready
  • spare
  • to hand
  • on hand
  • on call

Synonyms for reserve

verb to have and maintain in one's possession


  • hold
  • hold back
  • keep
  • keep back
  • retain
  • withhold

verb to cause to be set aside, as for one's use, in advance


  • bespeak
  • book
  • engage

noun a supply stored or hidden for future use


  • backlog
  • cache
  • hoard
  • inventory
  • nest egg
  • reservoir
  • stock
  • stockpile
  • store
  • treasure
  • stash

noun the keeping of one's thoughts and emotions to oneself


  • control
  • restraint
  • reticence
  • self-control
  • self-restraint
  • taciturnity
  • uncommunicativeness

noun public land kept for a special purpose


  • preserve
  • reservation

adj used or held in reserve


  • auxiliary
  • backup
  • emergency
  • secondary
  • standby
  • supplemental
  • supplementary

Synonyms for reserve

noun formality and propriety of manner


  • modesty

Related Words

  • correctitude
  • properness
  • propriety
  • demureness

noun something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose


  • stockpile
  • backlog

Related Words

  • accumulation
  • bank
  • fuel level
  • reserve account
  • reserve fund

noun an athlete who plays only when a starter on the team is replaced


  • second-stringer
  • substitute

Related Words

  • bench
  • athlete
  • jock
  • bench warmer
  • pinch hitter

noun (medicine) potential capacity to respond in order to maintain vital functions

Related Words

  • medical specialty
  • medicine
  • indefinite quantity
  • pulmonary reserve

noun a district that is reserved for particular purpose


  • reservation

Related Words

  • administrative district
  • administrative division
  • territorial division
  • Indian reservation
  • preserve

noun armed forces that are not on active duty but can be called in an emergency


  • military reserve

Related Words

  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine
  • reservist

noun the trait of being uncommunicative


  • reticence
  • taciturnity

Related Words

  • uncommunicativeness

verb hold back or set aside, especially for future use or contingency

Related Words

  • withhold
  • keep back
  • devote

verb give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause


  • appropriate
  • earmark
  • set aside
  • allow

Related Words

  • allot
  • portion
  • assign

verb obtain or arrange (for oneself) in advance

Related Words

  • call for
  • request
  • bespeak
  • quest
  • book up
  • book
  • reserve
  • hold

verb arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance


  • book
  • hold

Related Words

  • call for
  • request
  • bespeak
  • quest
  • reserve
  • hold open
  • keep open
  • save
  • keep




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