Acronym | Definition |
STO➣Store (calculator function) |
STO➣Subject to Offer |
STO➣Star Trek Online (video game) |
STO➣Service to Others |
STO➣Security Token Offering (finance) |
STO➣Safe Torque Off |
STO➣Sell to Open (investing; trading) |
STO➣Short Takeoff |
STO➣Stating the Obvious |
STO➣Security Through Obscurity |
STO➣Svetovne Trgovinske Organizacije (Slovenian: World Trade Organization) |
STO➣Special Technical Operations |
STO➣State Treasurer's Office (California) |
STO➣Stock Transfer Order (inter-company movement of stock) |
STO➣School Tuition Organization |
STO➣Strategic Technology Office (DARPA) |
STO➣State Transfer Object |
STO➣Sql Tuning Optimizer |
STO➣Special Touring Option |
STO➣Stub Object File |
STO➣Secure Transport Object |
STO➣Synch Timeout |
STO➣Segment Table Origin |
STO➣Symbol Timing Offset |
STO➣Société de Transport de l'Outaouais (French) |
STO➣Short-Term Observers |
STO➣Surface-to-Orbit (rockets) |
STO➣Sports Therapy Organisation |
STO➣Split Training Option |
STO➣Sick Time Off (various organizations) |
STO➣Soldiers of the One (Caprica TV series) |
STO➣Scheduled Time Off |
STO➣Sensor Technology Office (DARPA) |
STO➣Saint Olaf College (Northfield, MN) |
STO➣State Tourism Organization (various locations) |
STO➣Slater Type Orbital |
STO➣Space Tasking Order |
STO➣Space Today Online (website) |
STO➣Survive to Operate (US air defense; force protection) |
STO➣Standard Training Operation |
STO➣Stock Transport Order |
STO➣Special Tactics Officer (US Air Force) |
STO➣Science & Technology Objective |
STO➣Space Tornado Ogawa (wrestling move) |
STO➣State and Territory Tourism Organisations (Australia) |
STO➣Strontium Titanate Oxide |
STO➣Solar Terrestrial Observatory |
STO➣Systems Test Officer (US Navy) |
STO➣Standard Transfer Order |
STO➣System Test Operations |
STO➣Sales to Order |
STO➣Southern Truck Outfitters (Alabama) |
STO➣State Traffic Officer |
STO➣Substitute Teachers Online |
STO➣Standard Training Order (military) |
STO➣Sub Task Order |
STO➣Shad Taking Over (wrestling move; Shad Gaspard) |
STO➣Statutory Tour Officer |
STO➣Student Training Officer |
STO➣Surface-to-air-missile Tactical Order |
STO➣Submarine Task Order |
STO➣Shutdown Turnaround Outages (Best Management Practices) |
STO➣Simultaneous Test and Operations (US DoD) |