释义 |
Southern States
(U.S. Hist. & Geog.) | the States of the American Union lying south of Pennsylvania and the Ohio River, with Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Before the Civil War, Missouri also, being a slave State, was classed as one of the Southern States. |
See also: Southern Southern States
Southern StatesU.S.Confederacygovernment of 11 Southern states that left the Union in 1860. [Am. Hist.: EB, III: 73]Dixiepopular name for Southern states in U.S. and for song. [Am. Hist.: EB, III: 587]Gone With the Windarchetypal novel about the South. [Am. Lit.: Gone With the Wind]graycolor of the uniform of the Confederate soldier. [Am. Hist.: NCE, 566]gritscoarsely ground hominy served in traditional Southern breakfast. [Am. Culture: Misc.]Johnny Reba Confederate soldier or a resident of the Confederate states. [Am. Usage: Misc.]Mason-Dixon Lineboundary between Pennsylvania and Mary-land that came to divide the slave (southern) states from the free (northern) states. [Am. Hist.: NCE, 1714]Spanish mosssilvery gray plant whose threadlike fronds hang from trees in the South. [Am. Culture: EB, IX: 400–401]Stars and Barsflag of the Confederate States of the U.S. [Am. Hist.: EB, III: 73]wisteriawoody vine found in Southern gardens. [Am. Culture: EB, X: 716] |