Pinard maneuver

Pi·nard ma·neu·ver

(pē-nahr'), in management of a frank breech presentation, pressure on the popliteal space is made by the index finger while the other three fingers flex the leg while sliding it along the other thigh as the foot of the flexed leg is brought down and out.

Pi·nard ma·neu·ver

(pē-nahr' mă-nū'vĕr) In management of a frank breech presentation, pressure on the popliteal space is made by the index finger while the other three fingers flex the leg while sliding it along the other thigh as the foot of the flexed leg is brought down and out.

Pinard maneuver

(pē-nar′, -nard′) [Adolph Pinard, Fr. obstetrician, 1844–1934] A method of delivering a breech presentation, involving manipulation of the lower extremities of the fetus. Cesarean delivery has largely replaced it.


Adolphe, French obstetrician, 1844-1934. Pinard fetoscopePinard maneuver - for management of a frank breech presentation.Pinard sign