Verigo, Aleksandr Andreevich

Verigo, Aleksandr Andreevich


Born Nov. 23 (Dec. 5), 1837, in Vitebsk Province; died Mar. 13 (26), 1905, in Odessa. Russian chemist.

Verigo graduated from St. Petersburg University in 1860. Starting in 1862 he worked in Tübingen and then in Zürich. In 1866, jointly with N. N. Sokolov, he set up a chemical laboratory at the University of Novorossiia in Odessa and gave courses on inorganic and technological chemistry, adding organic chemistry in 1874. He was a professor at the university from 1871 to 1896. V. M. Petriashvili, P. G. Melikishvili, S. M. Tanatar, and N. D. Zelinskii were among Verigo’s students. In 1865, Verigo obtained azobenzene and its homologues and synthesized azotoluol and other compounds. Verigo studied the composition of the Dnestr water and of the waters of springs and wells surrounding the city, and he investigated estuary waters and muds of therapeutic value. In 1880 he set up Russia’s first food research laboratory in Odessa.


Issledovanie nad azobenzidom i ego gomologami. Odessa, 1866.
O reaktsii priamogo prisoedineniia k gruppe azobenzida. Odessa, 1871.


Melikov, P. “Aleksandr Andreevich Verigo.” Zhurnal Russkovo fiziko-khimicheskogo ob-va: Chast’ fizicheskaia, 1905, vol. 37, issue 5, p. 469.
Stepanova, O. S. “Aleksandr Andreevich Verigo.” Ukrainskii khimicheskii zhurnal, 1956, vol. 22, issue 1.